The Spring 2012 issue of Panorama magazine is now online
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24 June 2019"Targeting Results: fine tuning cohesion policy", the Spring 2012 issue of Panorama magazine published by the European Commission's DG REGIO, featuring an editorial by Commissioner Johannes Hahn, is now online.

'Key features of future cohesion policy are a much stronger focus on thematic concentration and the achievement of results'; so says Commissioner for Regional Policy, Johannes Hahn in the current edition of Panorama. The edition therefore examines how these policy changes will work in practice, outlining a series of pilot tests which were run by the European Commission in partnership with 12 managing authorities in eight Member States.
Panorama 41 starts from the premise that In times of economic crisis it is more important than ever that available resources are spent in a way that delivers maximum value for EU citizens, and then it takes a closer look at the sharpened focus on cohesion policy intervention results for the coming period 2014-20 .
We are given an invaluable insight into inter-institutional cohesion policy negotiations in Interviews with European Parliament rapporteurs on the Funds' Common Provisions draft regulation, MEPs Constanze Angela Krehl & Lambert van Nistelrooij.
The magazine also includes special features on innovation in Europe's outermost regions and European Regional Development Fund support for e-Government.
Panorama is currently available in English, French and German. The other language versions will be accessible in shortly on the Inforegio website.
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