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SmartImpact experience beyond Europe: Adelaide

Edited on

02 October 2018
Read time: 1 minute

Sharing SmartImpact experiences beyond Europe

world cities, adelaide, manchester, URBACT

Earlier this year Manchester received an invitation from DG REGIO (the EC directorate for regional and urban policy) to submit a proposal for an EU pilot project. The invite referenced our involvement in SmartImpact and offers a fantastic opportunity to share the project’s experiences beyond Europe.

“World Cities” ( is about sustainable urban development (urban economy, mobility, green development and climate change) and promotes experience exchange and sharing best practice between EU and non-EU countries. The project is being piloted by cities in five countries - South Korea, South Africa, Australia, Indonesia and Vietnam - and involves city, research and private sector representatives sharing and learning from reciprocal visits. Manchester is building on a longstanding and partnering with Adelaide, the capital city of the state of South Australia, and the countries fifth-largest city. The city is working with key leaders across the sectors, including Manchester Science Partnerships, the UK’s largest science and tech park operator, MIDAS, the city’s inward investment agency as well as the universities and corporate sectors. The first visit took place in May this year, and the second had a delegation from Manchester visit in October. Watch this space for future developments.