Seminar - Cities mobilization against climate change in the Mediterranean
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21 June 2019Mediterranean cities have begun for several years to concretely work in order to achieve a more sustainable urban development. The CATMED project is organising a seminar about 'Cities mobilization against climate change in the Mediterranean' in Marseille on Tuesday 5 October 2010.

Through their projects and policies, Mediterranean cities have already made strong efforts to put in practice sustainability principles. Nevertheless, there is still a long distance to cover and numerous equilibriums have to be found in order to really build up sustainable Mediterranean cities. Both in a Northern and Southern Mediterranean perspective, this seminar is conceived as an opportunity to put Mediterranean sustainable cities progresses and challenges in balance.
Moreover, the CATMED project resolutely chose to promote experimentation and confrontation with concrete projects as a way of convincing decision-makers of the necessity to go further towards urban sustainability. Within this objective, several urban projects will be confronted during the seminar.
So, come and participate in the seminar about 'Cities mobilization against climate change in the Mediterranean'. This seminar is opened to everyone and free. It will take place in the auditorium of the Bibliothèque Alcazar, 58 cours Belsunce, Marseille 1er on Tuesday 5 October 2010 at 8:45 a.m.
For more information, please contact / +33 4 91 31 51 95
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