Second Bilateral Meeting. Udine welcomes the delegations of Igualada and Lousā
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13 May 2022On Thursday 12 May 2022 the Municipality of Udine, within the activities of the URBACT Playful Paradigm European Project, now in its Second Wave, hosted the second Bilateral URBACT Meeting welcoming the delegations of Spain and Portugal.

At the presence of the councilor Giulia Manzan, the project coordinator Bruno Grizzaffi, the lead Urbact expert Ileana Toscano, the external consultant for the Municipality of Udine Maria Cecilia Corsini and other project experts, Udine has welcomed the project partners coming from Igualada, Spain and Lousā, Portugal. The day was divided into three visits, the first at the city toylibrary "Ludoteca", then at the headquarters of the Piergiorgio Onlus Community and finally at the Game Archive of the city of Udine. Claudia Mauro from the Ludoteca illustrated the experience of her long-term activity in the promotion of play as an educational tool, giving significant suggestions, also on the logistical management, of a structure such as the Ludoteca and the Ludobus (a bus set to bring games and the play spirit in different quarters of the city), in dialogue with the other institutions and associations in town and in Italy. The confrontation, facilitated by Ileana Toscano and Maria Cecilia Corsini, that was born with the delegations of Portugal and Spain was very constructive and inspiring, said the participants. Everybody moved to the Piergiorgio Onlus Community in the San Domenico district that deals with disability and inclusion, to meet the vice president Elisa Vidussi and Barbara Torcella who accompanied everyone through the premises of the structure telling the history and evolution of the community, explaining how modern technologies and the development of educational tools facilitate communication, even non-verbal or subject to cognitive or movement limitations. Piergiorgio Onlus joins the URBACT Local Group (ULG) of the Playful Paradigm Second Wave project, coordinated by Massimo Salvador, which in one of its modules includes "Health and Wellness", Almaz Kahsay represented Time for Africa Association, for the module "Inclusion". The day ended with a visit to the Game City Archive of Udine, a state-of-the-art facility for the scientific cataloging of games that extends what already exists for books in the library system. Claudia Mauro and Massimo Salvador explained that this activity is one of the few at European level. After a further discussion on the experiences in their own countries, everyone was able to experience the games with great fun. The delegations expressed a sincere and profound interest in this experience which aimed to train and inspire the delegates in their activities, drawing inspiration and concrete information from them.
Below you can see some picture from the meeting. If you can acces the Project Basecamp you can find other pics & video HERE
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