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Ad-Hoc Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
I took a degree in industrial engineering and majored in civil engineering, which gave me my first insights into sustainable and strategic urban development. I then spent a decade as a research assistant at the Institute of Urban Development and Construction at Leipzig University, where I worked on research projects at the interface of the property/housing sector and urban development. This role included acting as a consultant on management processes during the implementation of urban renewal PPP projects under the EU project CoUrbit on behalf of the City of Leipzig and Bocconi University in Milan. Since 2004, I have been the managing partner of |u|m|s| STADTSTRATEGIEN, a consultancy which delivers a wide range of conceptual and planning services regarding towns, cities, regions and real estate. For example, I conducted a SWOT analysis for the Halle 14 arts centre in Leipzig in connection with Second Chance, an EU project focusing on disused industrial sites repurposed for cultural purposes. Since 2012, I have held the Chair of Real Estate Management at Mittweida University of Applied Sciences. I am involved in both teaching and research on aspects of the property and housing sector, activities which are frequently geared towards objectives of urban strategic planning and participation processes. Two projects worthy of special mention are ‘Mittweida – Future Town’ and ‘Urban Production – Is Industry Returning to Urban Areas?’.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
I have several years’ teaching experience, including in the postgraduate sector. I set great store by the use of innovative, usually digitally supported forms of teaching and learning, as this enables me to integrate very heterogeneous groups into dialogue and learning activities and also to explain very complex subject matter. At Mittweida University of Applied Sciences, I have frequent contact with foreign students, e.g. on exchange programmes and international dual degree programmes. I am familiar with academic exchange on a transnational and European level thanks to my involvement in subprojects of the EU programmes CoUrbit and Second Chance. Together with colleagues from the university and Mittweida local authority, I am currently initiating a project devoted to Cross-Media Participation Cultures in Urban Development under the programme to promote cross-border cooperation between the Free State of Saxony and the Czech Republic. In addition to academic exchange and teaching activities at Mittweida University of Applied Sciences, from my consultancy projects I am familiar with formats of public and administrative involvement in strategic urban development processes and network activities, such as the network ‘Leipziger Freiheit’ (Leipzig Liberty). Furthermore, I moderate workshops and future workshops as well as other types of events featuring diverse panels and teams, e.g. Chair Session ‘Urban Economics and Planning’ at the 23rd Annual European Real Estate Society Conf.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
At Mittweida University of Applied Sciences, I communicate with students and scholars from abroad in English. I consult English-language literature for my research projects and publications. I occasionally present papers in English at international conferences such as the European Real Estate Society’s Annual Conference. Though my oral communication skills in English are not at the highest level, the thematic expertise for the ALT/BAU Transfer Network (and most likely for other upcoming thematic expertise in other networks) will be covered to the necessary standard. Since it will be predominately in German (questionnaire, interviews, document analysis) with a written summary and presentation at the network’s Mid-term Review Meeting in Chemnitz, no compromises will have to be made in the delivery of the expertise, the outputs and the dissemination of the results.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Urban Strategic Planning
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Regarding urban strategic planning and the property/housing sector, my main professional experience is as follows: Setup and coordination of the network ‘Leipziger Freiheit’ (, which deals with the preservation, creation and support for affordable cooperative housing in Leipzig. My work included forming a pool of consultants, assisting model projects, public relations and lobbying, and the further development of cooperative housing project models. In the project ‘Mittweida – Future Town’ (, a vision for 2030+ was developed for the town in conjunction with local citizens. The process was supported by a cross-media approach as well as a raft of digital and analogue participation formats. During the project ‘Urban Production – Is Industry Returning to Urban Areas?’ (, the pros and cons of manufacturing processes in urban locations were examined. The requirements of urban production operations and conversely towns’ and cities’ expectations of urban production were identified so that recommendations could be drawn up for local authorities. In addition to the above-mentioned projects, I draw up housing concepts, assist competitions and procurement procedures, and contribute to the production of integrated urban development concepts (, e.g. to the urban planning framework Sonnenberg in Chemnitz.


Residence location:
German - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise