Save the Date: URBACT ANNUAL CONFERENCE - 30 November & 1 December 2010
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09 October 2017Next URBACT Annual Conference will be held in Liège in Belgium, from Tuesday 30 November noon to Wednesday 1 December noon 2010 in Liège Conference Centre. Over 350 participants including URBACT project Lead Partners, partners, members of Local Support Groups, Experts as well as Member States and European Commission representatives are to attend. We are pleased to also announce the presence of the European Commissioner Johannes Hahn responsible for regional policy.

Over 320 people attended the URBACT Annual Conference in Stockholm on November 25th 2009, where URBACT projects discussed the challenges of integrated sustainable urban development in the context of economic downturn and environmental uncertainty. This exceptional day was a great success and we hope that you will join us for our 2010 edition in Liège!
Interactive workshops and plenary sessions as well as field visits and evening events are all on the programme throughout the two-day conference.
This time is for you. Seize the opportunity for informal discussions. The second URBACT Café will offer you an informal moment to exchange around tables with cities from your country, on your experience and good practices.
Registration will open in September. Stay informed by regularly visiting our URBACT website.
URBACT annual Conference will be followed by the 'Multilevel Conference', event organised under the Belgium Presidency of the European Union, on Thursday 2 December 2010 in the same venue in Liège.
We look forward to seeing you in Liège!
Read more:
- Special Report: Wide-ranging Discussions in Stockholm – URBACT website
- URBACT Annual Conference in Stockholm - Thematic workshops & Masterclass report - URBACT website
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