Santa Pola
Santa Pola has an area of 58, 6 km2 and a census population of 31.745 inhabitants. The municpality includes two distinct areas, the Santa Pola Centre (with 72% of the city’s inhabitants) and Gran Alacant (28%). The city’s population grows above the 120.000 in the months of July and August. Besides this, It is noteworthy that we count with a flotating population of 80.958 on anual average, which excedes largely the number of registered residents.
The most important economic sector of Santa Pola is the tertiary sector- Services, and specially commerce, represent 84%. Hospitality and tourism related activities are also of great importance. The city also offers cultural services such as a public library in the city center and one in Gran Alacant, the Sailor Museum, the Salt Museum, the Archaeological Museum and the Aquarium. Finally, it must be mentioned the Civic Center and the Market.
The 70% of the municipality of Santa Pola is protected, so that the city looks like a fortress because of the natural resources. The main natural resources are the Natural Park of Las Salinas, the Sierra and Cape Santa Pola and 11 kilometers of beaches. The beaches of Santa Pola have been awarded nationally and internationally for its quality management and environmental.
All the beaches of Santa Pola, indeed, are certified by AENOR of the Quality Management System and Environmental according to UNE-EN ISO 9001: 2008 and UNE-EN ISO 14001 since 2003.
Santa Pola gained the Silver Broom Award to Playa Tamarit. This award was granted in 2014 by the environmental value and clean beaches.
Finally it must be mentioned that the city’s "Calas Santiago Bernabeu", "Varadero", and "Calas Tamarit East coasts" have ADEAC-FEE Blue Flag recognition from the beaches of Levante, and the city also has the Blue Flag award for its Central Marine Research Center CIMAR, and Marina Yacht Club of Santa Pola.
Finally, it must be mention the ADEAC-FEE Blue Flag recognition from the beaches of Levante, Calas Santiago Bernabeu, Varadero, Calas Tamarit East and also the Blue Flag award for Central Marine Research Center CIMAR, and Marina Yacht Club of Santa Pola.

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