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Ad-Hoc Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
Due to my educational and professional experience I have developed a deep understanding of ideas and practices on integrated and sustainable urban development. During my undergraduate studies in the School of Architecture in Thessaloniki (1995-2002) I attended theoretical courses and design studios on urban planning and design. My diploma thesis elaborated on the idea of a sustainable development model for the suburban areas of Greek cities. In my post-graduate studies on "Urban and Regional Planning", in the MSc Program of National Technical University of Athens (2004-2006), I had the opportunity to expand my knowledge on issues like sustainable mobility, urban politics and governance, critical approaches on urban history, theory and planning. From 2007 to 2012, as a Research Associate in the Urban Environment Lab-NTUA, I have been conducting research on urban planning and the protection of public, open spaces, while teaching urban planning in the School of Architecture-NTUA. In 2010-2011 I worked as a scientific associate for the Organization for the Regulatory Plan of Athens (ORSA) -Ministry of Environment and Climatic Change. I was involved in two specific projects: a. "Strategic Plan for the renewal of residential areas in the center of Athens", and b. "Athens, a seaside Metropolis: interventions for the development of the Saronikos Coastline". Finally, in 2014 I completed my PhD dissertation on urban planning and spatial politics in Greece during the post war period.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
An important part of my academic and professional experience includes international exchanges and transnational collaboration. During my undergraduate studies in Architecture, I spent six months in Torino as an Erasmus exchange student (1999-2000). I have participated or presented papers in numerous international conferences, meetings and workshops on the thematic fields of architecture, urban planning and urban politics. Among other: - European Architecture Students Assembly (EASA), Kavala, 1999 - “European City in Comparative Perspective", 7th International Conference of Urban History, Panteion University, Athens, 2004 - “Changing European Spaces: Winners and Losers”, Seminars of the Aegean, Chania-Crete, 2007, -6th International Conference of Critical Geography – ICCG, Frankfurt-Goethe University, 2011 -“Austerity Urbanism in Greek and German Cities”, Frankfurt, March 2015. I was a member of the organizing committee of the international workshop -“Crisis Regimes and Emerging Social Movements in Cities of Southern Europe,” Athens, 2013, Finally, I have organized and participated in educational field-trips for foreign students visiting Athens. Among other for: -Field Lab “Unequal Exposures and Greening Initiatives in Piraeus”, Semester At Sea, Prof. J.T. Roberts, 2013 -Seminarwoche FS13: “Ec(h)o-logy Greek Returns”, ETH Zurich, Prof. Ph. Ursprung, 2013
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I have attended a six year private program of English language that led to a “Proficiency in English Certificate” from the University of Cambridge. Furthermore, over the last seven years, I have been writing and presenting academic papers in English and I have been participating in educational presentations and field-trips that involve international audiences.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
Substantial experience in organizing educational and peer learning activities like field trips, seminars, labs and workshops on an international level. Due to my academic work and my involvement with local, social initiatives I have developed the ability to adapt relevant methods to different contexts and different social backgrounds. I have participated in and organized transnational activities that brought together academic researchers, citizens/activists and other stakeholders from different European cities and provided a variety of tools and opportunities for enhancing communication and exchange. Finally, as a field expert in an URBACT case study I have a certain experience in the methodology of producing reports on transnational projects and network activities.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Integrated Urban Renewal
Summary Thematic expertise: 
My experience in the thematic area of Integrated Urban Renewal includes the participation in multiple research projects leading to the production of specific proposals or strategic interventions/plans for Athens and other Greek cities. I have contributed in all different phases of the particular projects: from qualitative and quantitative analysis, evaluation of existing plans or legislative tools, to participating in round table discussions with local stakeholders and supporting communication activities and public interaction on the projects.
Theme / Policy: 
Urban Strategic Planning
Summary Thematic expertise: 
My experience in the thematic area of Strategic Urban Planning includes: -Graduate and post-graduate education and training in urban and regional planning. -Participation in numerous relevant research projects for Athens and other cities/areas in Greece. Scientific Associate to the Organization for the Regulatory Plan of Athens, Ministry of Environment and Climatic Change, 2010-2011.

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies


Residence location:
Greek - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise