Salford's RE-Block Dissemination Event
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03 June 2015During a sunny lunchtime on the 23rd April 2015 Salford held its final Re-Block project dissemination event.

Salford is very proud of the partnership working which took place over the course of this project with around 30 individuals contributing to the project (from 11 different service areas/organisations) in total. The focus of the event therefore was to sum up the project activities and progress made so far, bringing this to a close and importantly to thank those who contributed to the production of the Local Action Plan for their hard work.
A short presentation provided a reminder to the progress made so far, including a summary of the approaches used, and the priorities identified in the Local Action Plan which focussed on objectives:
- To enable the people living in the Islington Estate to be able to shape future plans for the community and Salford as a whole.
- To improve the image of the estate so that it becomes a place where people want to live and where neighbouring communities are integrated.
- To enable more people living in the Islington Estate to engage in meaningful activity, which contribute to health and social wellbeing.
- Also available at the event was a variety of wider information about the wider project including:
- Examples of the good practice and information sharing which took place between the European project partners
- Information about the project policy recommendations agreed by the European project partners
- The Peer Review Synthesis report
- The project final outcomes brochure
- The final Salford local newsletter
Although the URBACT II RE-Block project is coming to a close, members were pleased that Salix Homes (the housing provider in the target area) has agreed to progress the co-ordination of the implementation of the Salford Local Action Plan into the future, helping to ensure the continued legacy of the RE-Block project
Submitted by ggyorgyi on