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Rovira Yagüe


Rovira Yagüe

Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
From my 18 years, now I´m 36, I had very clear which job I would like to work, in 1997, 3 years degree International Marketing Management in Alicante School of Marketing, I have completed my higher education in Spain, Alicante University in Business and Administration, 4 years. I completed a normal one-year full-time course, Integrated Marketing Communication in London Southbank University. In 2008, a year master course in Marketing Online, ESIC/ICMED. From 2006 to 2009 I was working for privates companies as Sales and Marketing Manager. In 2010 I started my own company, Inteligenzia, focus to help SMEs to design innovation business model. In 2012 I open a new business line, focus help municipalities to design, implement, monitor and evaluation smart economic strategic for create jobs. In 2011, I was the responsible of teaching International Marketing and Business Communication Skills at Wittenborg University, in Holland. Then I became interested in social innovation and local economic development. I moved to Murcia to work with municipalities helping them to design entrepreneurship and local employment strategy. In 2012, me and two partners more, created Avanzatres, a training company focus to help unemployment people increase their TIC skills. In 2012, I worked for Yecla Municipality as external project coordinator into Wood Footprint project (URBACT II).
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
During the last 5 years, I had the opportunity to participate in several European programs, Erasmus for young entrepreneurs, Erasmus + and external project coordinator for URBACT II, (Wood Footprint). From my experience, working in a transnational cooperation goes well beyond exchange process. In all projects I worked, I make an effort to demonstrate a “tangible” added value of working together and implement solution. Transnational level cooperation projects have the potential to exchange transfer and learning and give the opportunity to make use of the creative potential of working an intercultural level. In my last European project, I was working to foster the exchange experiences, identify good practices from Yecla and to strengthen the practical knowledge and skills of Yecla Municipality in the policy area related to local economic development, human capital skills, employment and foster entrepreneurship, addressed by the network in the transnational meetings. To draw lessons from the exchange on an ongoing basis and to apply them at local level, especially through the production of the Yecla Local action Plan. To support Yecla in improving their local policies and producing their Integrated Action Plans and finally to support Yecla Municipality to coordinate and manage their transnational meeting and the staff exchange experience between Yecla and Monaghan.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I use to work in an international level, during the last 5 years, I run seminars, workshops, lectures, and produce reports, all in English. As I said before, in 2011, I was the responsible of teaching International Marketing and Business Communication Skills at Wittenborg University, in Holland. Before that I completed a normal one-year full-time course, in integrated marketing communication In London Southbank University and in 2012, I worked for Yecla Municipality as external project coordinator into Wood Footprint project (URBACT II). During my stance at London, Holland and during the implementation phase in Wood Footprint, I had to run some seminars, lectures, workshops, reports, projects, Local action plan, etc. Everything in English. Also I am currently preparing my certificate in Trinity ESOL qualifications which are recognized internationally as reliable evidence of proficiency in English. The exams assess and promote the skills needed for effective communication in an international business environment.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
My experience has been very intense during the last 5 years working within a European content. Working in a transnational cooperation goes well beyond exchange process. In all projects I worked, I make an effort to demonstrate a “tangible” added value of working together and implement solution. Transnational level cooperation projects have the potential to exchange transfer and learning and give the opportunity to make use of the creative potential of working an intercultural level. For URBACT II , I was external project coordinator for Yecla Municipality , offer me the opportunity to create a highly social learning environment, characterized by participation and interactivity for both international network and local support members. The activities I could organize were To organise transnational exchange seminars. These seminars were a perfect combination of different components including learning funny sessions such us speech elevator, outdoor games, quizzes, poster session, model canvas, field visits, peer review sessions and local dissemination activities and more …

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Employment, Human Capital and Labour Mobility
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I have a great experience working under the topic of Employment, Human Capital and Labor Mobility in employment. I works with a large number of other European and national organizations committed with education, professional training, personal and social development and human and sustainable development under a large range of projects. Since its foundation in 2010, Inteligenzia has promoted and participated in numerous projects, offering a wide range of Programmed for Participants, I have worked with over 8 municipalities and public entities designing employment and economic development policies, with more than 400 entrepreneurs helping them to create new startups and with more than 800 students helping them to improve their employability. I have the great fortune to work in areas that I love, these mean I spend a lot of time researching and working in areas of promoting entrepreneurship and employment , then I think I can add value and knowledge to those in need. In 2012, I was external project coordinator for WFP project I was in charge to explore how cities can creates jobs under the thematic topic Employment. In 2014 I created The Job Creation pathway & methodologies. It is a new framework to design professional careers. It is composing by a manual and online tool where the student select the best profession that they want to achieve and the online tool provide an strategy to get the ideal job. This new framework has been tested with more than 800 students .
Theme / Policy: 
Entrepreneurship and competitive SMEs
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I have a great experience working under entrepreneurship topics. I works with a large number of other European and national organizations committed with education, professional training, personal and social development and human and sustainable development under a large range of projects. Since its foundation in 2010, Inteligenzia has promoted and participated in numerous projects, offering a wide range of Programmed for Participants, I have worked with over 8 municipalities and public entities designing employment and economic development policies, with more than 400 entrepreneurs helping them to create new startups and with more than 800 students helping them to improve their employability. I have the great fortune to work in areas that I love, these mean I spend a lot of time researching and working in areas of promoting entrepreneurship and employment , then I think I can add value and knowledge to those in need. In 2012 I created The Inteligenzia Model, it is a model business canvas that provides entrepreneur an easy way to design their business model and validate it. More than 400 entrepreneurs have been used this tool which help entrepreneurs run and open more than 60 companies. In 2012, I made the entrepreneurship and employment strategy for Yecla Municipality. Actual I work as external adviser to monitoring the implementation the action and evaluation the effects and results in terms of effectiveness and efficiency.

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
I can give you one example of my experience running “Wood FootPrint” project. Ones of my activities were: Giving ideas about Local Support Group meetings and implementation some animation techniques. After each meeting I had to reviewing reports of Local Support Group meetings, During the meetings I has to provide good examples and share opportunities transnational meetings, problems and solutions or good practices related to transnational meetings , finding and supporting new ideas and inputs to transnational meetings. I organiced some seminars, I produce Yecla local action plan and I made a research to present 6 case study. Under Startup Weekend held in Murcia in 2012, I helped more than 50 entrepreneurs working in small groups of 5, working together during more than 52 hours to design innovation and creative business model design. I really enjoyed designing and facilitating participatory methods and tools for this workshop and I use a range of participative techniques to ensure that they are interactive and fun as well as achieving tangible results. Such as; Elevator speech, business model canvas, musical competition, poster sessions and selling presentation.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
From 2010 to 2012 I was validated as official thematic expert under employment and entrepreneurship topic by INFO (Murcia's Regional Development Agency) where I was in charge to help companies how to integrate an innovation smart strategy in their companies. In 2012, I made the entrepreneurship and employment strategy for Yecla Municipality. Actual I work as external adviser to monitoring the implementation the action and evaluation the effects and results in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. From 2012 to 2015, as external project coordination for wood footprint, ones of my responsibilities were to implement the methodological management of the mechanisms for monitoring and ensuring quality of the transnational meetings and local support meetings. I made, after one meeting, a periodical revision of the implementation of the project. The evaluation was a continuous process that analyzes during the life of the project, the extent to which the project environment and objectives could have changed from the original ones and the impact that those deviations may have in the final project outputs. With the purpose of achieving excellence in the evaluation process, I had been performing an internal evaluation of each meeting about ; quality of the project management, - quality and functioning of each local support member, - quality of the meetings management , - quality of the e-meetings, quality of the dissemination activities, quality of exploitation and sustainability and quality of the products and processes.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
In 2012 I made for Yecla Municipality a finance strategy to implement all the actions described under the entrepreneurship and employment strategy plan. I designed a mix finance strategy composed by national’s funds and European funds. I prepared the application form to apply for Reindus nationals Funds. In 2014, I prepare for the local action plan (Wood Footprint) finance strategy for implement the actions describe in this local action plan. This finance strategy covers European projects such us Erasmus + and Horizon 2020. In 2014, I was working with Inercial Digital, an Andalucía entrepreneurship training school, to prepare the application form to participate in three Erasmus + KA2 projects. In 2015, I was helping a Murcia Municipality to create a partner search by different European countries to create a network to collaborate with them in a European project. I helped them to find more than 50 cities around Europe which showed a real interest to join in their project. Currently, I am working for Europe Direct Murcia Region. My responsibility is design and delivering workshops and seminars to engaged, public and private entities from Murcia Region, in European projects. In the last seminar celebrated in February more than 40 entities attended the event.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
As I said before, I was in charge to design the Yecla Local action plan. This plan was the result of applicant different tools of animations during the local and transnational meeting. This plan is an excellent example how adapts tools and content to local level. For example one action is to create a balanced (Private / Public) company that can meet the de¬mands for local investments. To design this action inspire me in the case study of PFR INVEST which is a public company run by the private sector in Portugal, whose primary goal is to attract private investment in Pazos de Ferreira. This is done by using a spe¬cialized professional team that works with new investors by offering land and infra¬structure so that new companies can be set up in the area. A professional team would need to be as¬sembled to manage the National and Eu¬ropean funds available. We create this action with the main purpose would be to attract local private and pub¬lic investment. The team would be formed from the private sector, earning limited margins through management and sales. This idea comes from trips made to Viborg in High Wycombe and Pazos de Ferreira in October 2013.
Summary Expertise: 
I can provide that I can support to a local authority and other stakeholders in designing and delivering integrated and participatory policies. Giving ideas about Local Support Group ,meetings and implementation some animation techniques, finding and supporting new ideas and inputs to transnational meetings, periodical revision of the implementation of the project, performing an internal evaluation of each meeting about, to be update of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU level and also and national level, I have permanent contact with the European Direct agency and great experience how adapts tools and content to local level. During the last five years I have been working as external project coordination in a European Context within Urbact, Erasmus + and Erasmus for young Entrepreneurs. This experience let me the capacity to designing and delivering participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local policies, monitoring tools for integrated and sustainable urban policies and adapting tools and content at local level.


Residence location:
Spanish - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise