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Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
Sustainable urban development is the primary focus in my work as consultant at the Dutch Research Institute for Transitions. My background is in Energy Science (MSc at Utrecht University) and transition to sustainable energy is still one of the core themes in my work. Over the past years, I worked on this theme in Aberdeen (UK), Assen (NL) and Ghent (BE), among many other cities. However, my focus is broader than just energy; my expertise is the governance of sustainability transitions in the urban context. My work involves performing in-depth analyses of urban sustainability challenges, facilitation of co-creation processes as well as capacity building. In my home city Rotterdam (NL) I led a multi-actor process drafting an agenda for the future of mobility, and currently work on a project promoting of cycling as a means for socio-economic development. In Rosario (AR) I support a local NGO in a similar project regarding cycling. Other themes I work on are spatial development strategies (Ghent, BE; Tilburg, NL); neighborhood development (Rotterdam, NL); and addressing child poverty (Leuven, BE). Two of my key publications are about sustainable urban development: “Transition management in the urban context: guidance manual.” (2014) and “Urban Development: the State of the Sustainable Art” (2011).
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
I worked on transnational learning between five European cities as work-package leader in the Interreg IVb-funded project Mitigation in Urban Areas, Solution for Innovative Cities (MUSIC, 2010 – 2015). This included preparing and facilitating half yearly transnational workshops; taking the role of ‘city coach’ for two cities, assisting them in adapting and implementing the Transition Management approach; and writing a guidance manual updated yearly to include new insights emerging from experiences in the project. Furthermore, I prepared and facilitated workshops in Krakow, Milan and Rotterdam, to disseminate and discuss insights from the FP7-funded project InContext; and a similar workshop preceding the final conference of the MUSIC project. The workshops each involved about 20 participants from cities across Europe. Over the course of 1,5 to 2,5 days, the participants were introduced to the methodology of transition management by taking part in a ‘pressure cooker’ format application of the approach; thus learning about the approach while reflecting together with fellow city officers on their own role in sustainability transitions. I learned important preconditions for successful peer learning are the willingness to share and critically reflect on own experiences, and the curiosity to listen to others. Extensive preparation contributed to a meaningful exchange of experiences. See also my article “Learning in a transnational project: the case of MUSIC” (2013).
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I am proficient in spoken and written English. Over the last 11 years, I have studied and worked in English-speaking environments. I have studied an international Master’s programme, Energy Science at Utrecht University. Afterwards I have worked in a research institute with colleagues from across Europe, and have been involved in several European projects. My role as work package leader in the InterregIVb-project MUSIC mentioned above included not only facilitating transnational exchanges in English, but also supporting a co-creation process in the City of Aberdeen, UK. About half of my publications are in English, see the website of DRIFT for an overview.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
I worked on transnational learning between five European cities as work-package leader in the Interreg IVb-funded project Mitigation in Urban Areas, Solution for Innovative Cities (MUSIC, 2010 – 2015). This included facilitating half yearly transnational workshops, and the preparation of those with questionnaires and group discussions with the seven project partners in advance. I also took a leading role in designing the mid-term as well as the final conference, aimed at creating meaningful learning experiences, for a group of 150 participants from all over Europe. Furthermore, I co-designed and facilitated 3 “Reality Check workshops”, in Krakow, Milan and Rotterdam, to disseminate and discuss insights from the FP7-funded project InContext; and a similar transnational workshop preceding the final conference of the MUSIC project mentioned above. The workshops was an intense learning experience during 1,5 to 2,5 days with about 20 participants from cities across Europe. Through these transnational exchanges, I gained experience in dealing with differences in cultures and specifically policy cultures between participants, as well as difference in level of experience, understanding and commitment. I have experience with a large range of methods and facilitation techniques for (a.o.) participatory analysis, envisioning, idea generation and reflection on roles.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Local Governance
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I am expert in the governance of sustainability transitions in the urban context. My work involves performing in-depth analyses of urban sustainability challenges, facilitation of co-creation processes as well as capacity building. One of the central themes in my work is sustainable energy, which I worked on in Aberdeen (UK), Assen (NL) and Ghent (BE), among many other cities. In my home city Rotterdam (NL) I led a multi-actor process drafting an agenda for the future of mobility, and currently work on a project promoting of cycling as a means for socio-economic development. In Rosario (AR) I support a local NGO in a similar project regarding cycling. Other themes I work on are spatial development strategies (Ghent, BE; Tilburg, NL); neighborhood development (Rotterdam, NL); and addressing child poverty (Leuven, BE). Some publications introducing my work are: Transition management in the urban context: guidance manual (, Governing urban sustainability transitions: Inspiring examples ( , the blog-post Five Ways to Organize Fundamental Sustainability Change ( and the short introduction movie (
Theme / Policy: 
Sustainable Urban Mobility
Summary Thematic expertise: 
In my home city Rotterdam (NL) I led a multi-actor process drafting an agenda for the future of mobility in 2015, and currently work on a project promoting of cycling as a means for socio-economic development. In Rosario (AR) I support a local NGO in a similar project regarding cycling. Last year, I went on a study trip to Colombia to gain a better understanding of the urban cycling policies there, lately I am getting more and more involved in Dutch mobility debates. I am working on reaching an international audience with the insights from the projects in Rotterdam and Rosario. A presentation at the POLIS conference (Rotterdam, December 2016) was the first step, together with my project-partner in Rosario, I am currently developing the ‘urban cycling lab’ concept, based on these experiences, which we will present at the Velocity conference later this year. Some publications: - Resulting publication from the mobility arena in Rotterdam (in Dutch): - Reflection on the process (in Dutch): - Website Fietsen op Zuid (in Dutch): - POLIS-conference presentation:


Residence location:
Dutch - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise