ROOF Baseline Study
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09 May 2022ROOF aims to end homelessness through innovative housing solutions at city level. It is about making the shift from managing homelessness to actually ending it through Housing First/Led and about gathering accurate data.
By Liat Rogel, Lead Expert for ROOF l This Baseline Study was created during the first 6 months of the project to allow a good understanding of the general issue, of each city specific context and the added value of the partnership.

The Baselinestudy is divided in three main sections:
Section 1: The State of the Art
A European level overview of Homelessness, Data collection and Housing First. Existing knowledge, projects, programs and good practices related to the policy challenge to be addressed.
Section 2: Partner profiles
A presentation of all 9 network cities and partners, in particular in relation to the local policy challenge, existing policies/ action plans, and the possible focus of the URBACT Integrated Action Plan to be developed.
Section 3: Synthesis and methodology
A concluding section setting out the methodology for Phase 2, this section draws out the issues and subthemes that the network will address and how they will be explored in the transnational exchange.
Submitted by Hannelore Bonami on