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Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
Since 1998 I am working on sustainable urban planning and design. my professional skills have developed over the years in the understanding that the complexity of the city required coherent, integrated and sustainable urban design, in which urban water management, ecology, the use of renewable energy systems, urban agriculture, sustainable mobility socio-economic aspects and spatial quality of the urban design are interdependent factors in the prosperity liveliness, liveability and affordability of the city. My jobs as planner, project manager, policy advisor, academic and consultant required focus on urban development from different perspectives and roles. This allowed me to see and understand the different interests and functional requirements from each sector as well as the necessity for integration. Real sustainability can only be achieved if different aspects of urban life are integrated and can profit from each other in performing cleaner air, water and soil and providing a healthier, more livable environment for its inhabitants. Examples of projects I have been working in achieving a sustainable city are the new urban developments of Westerpark in Breda, Almere Poort, Houten, Venlo, Groningen. Working with a range of different participants in design charters allowed me to facilitate the process of sustainable integration of urban functionalities in a range of design tasks, spatial project and different countries
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
I have extensive experience with designing and delivering learning contexts, sequences of learning activities and teaching with students and professionals of different nationalities, including Chinese, Dutch, Japanese, Australian, New Zealand, Germany, Canada, US, Brazil, Bangladesh, and most European countries. These experiences include formal teaching at Wageningen UR (Netherlands), Delft University (Netherlands), RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, Swinburne University in Melbourne, Australia, Chonqing University in China. In addition I have designed, organized and facilitated a broad range of Design Charrettes, workshops, studios with stakeholders and participants from multiple countries. This broad experience has allowed me to develop a deep understanding of the different learning and teaching styles which work for people with different nationalities, a thorough capability to work with cross cultural differences in a learning setting and a broad teaching and learning repertoire. I have written a book on Design charter in which the understanding of learning processes is central (Design Charrettes, Ways to Envision Sustainable Futures, Springer, 2013)
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
In addition to 6 years of high school study in English I have lived and worked in Australia for 3 years. The immersion the the English language in Australia has turned my proficiency in English from fluent to near-native. I have taught at university level in English, I have written and published a host of papers and journal articles in English, have presented in English at highly acclaimed international conferences and have written and published 6 books in the English language.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
I have more than 25 years of experience with designing, organizing and facilitating highly interactive sustainable urban planning projects, and within and related to that Design Charrettes, interactive workshops and Design Studios which are aimed at an actual real design challenge for developing plans for a sustainable city. I typically include all relevant stakeholders as participants, create an active and dynamic learning environment with activities that bring out the best contributions in everyone. This typically leads to break through designs and other solutions, and to deep learning impact. I have created and ran these projects, charettes, workshops and studios with participants of different nationalities in countries including Germany, China, Japan, Brazil, The Netherlands, Australia, Canada. I relate easily and well to people with a broad range of different backgrounds, ranging from senior government officials, professional experts to students, citizens, people from the local council etc. I am comfortable with working with different interests and needs and am skillful at making use of the diversity of views ion the room. People tell me they think I am inspiring, thought provoking and visionary. At the same time I let people work towards down to earth practical solutions for their real challenges and goals. The combination of these two characteristics have proven to be a very valuable one.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Environmental Issues
Summary Thematic expertise: 
From the beginning of my career I have been involved in implementing the highest possible impact of environmental issues in sustainable urban planning. the topics deemed most relevant in the diversity of plans I have been involved in were energy supply, climate adaptation, water management and ecology. these themes have played a major role in many of the planning projects I have been involved in. starting from a cicvil servant/policy advisor position in which it was important to gain political support for environmental standards I have learned how to create a situation in which results could be maximized, recently I have been more involved in leading planning projects and research projects where the involvement of stakeholders in the planning process became crucial. This more academic focus has led to a deeper theoretical understanding of how to use environmental knowledge in a productive way in the planning processes. My understanding of climate adaptation, energy, water en ecological issues in combination with interactive implementation processes makes a successful combinations of skills and practical experiences, to be applied in complex policy and planning processes
Theme / Policy: 
Urban Strategic Planning
Summary Thematic expertise: 
The projects I have been working on reflect passion and understanding of strategic urban processes and the need to genuinly and incrementally tranform the urban environment towards higher levels of sustainability, paired with socio-economic performance and the sense for communication and outreach of city image and quality. I have worked on these issues as manager strategy for the province of Groningen, in Almere, Breda, Houten, Amsterdam and Rotterdam, and in Melbourne and Bendigo in Australia. Main important issues in my urban strategies have been, dealing with and planning for uncertainty in the future, plan for climate adaptation, develop spatial strategies for a shrinking population and invent spaces for water and ecologcal systems within the urban environment. These urban strategies have always been developed in co-creation with residents, enterprises, NGO's and experts. The involvement of the local public has always been an essential part, sometimes hard to organise but each time very rewarding.

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
I have a broad knowledge of methods and tools to use in planning processes involving stakeholders in the local policy. in project delivery and design charter I have developed a range of tools to be used when people are asked to collaborate and co-create a supported product. thee tools range from the 30-30 method, in which participants look back 30 years and look forward 30 years in planning the area, drawing and sketching up and down the scales, allowing people to sketch their thoughts and give room to new insights, the COCD-box, 3D-plasticine modelling, etc. The sharing and co-conceptualisation of ideas, solutions and policies in these kinds of interactive ways ensures support for the commonly developed proposals.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
As a project- and program manager I have been used to think in deadlines, project milestones and end products, but also understand the cyclical nature of projects and the need to organise iterative steps during the process. evaluating intermediate results, cherish emergence and harvest success in qualitative and quantitative ways I use as a trigger to enhance the quality and improvement of urban sustainability.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
websites, digital newsletters, colleagues who attend me to developments, attending conferences and seminars, take part in discussions and debates
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
as a landscape architect the genius loci is always the very first aspect to take into account when designing and planning. interest in the background, the genesis of the landscape and the culture in the area is a profound element when working on a design task. this means I have learnt to see and capture the specific localities and detect the elements that are crucial for future change and adaptation. the tools I have been using in the different contexts have been adapted to the local circumstances and been used in a way to be beneficial to the people and the plan.
Summary Expertise: 
I am a senior, creative and active urban enhancer, who likes to work together with a broad range of involved people to achieve the best possible sustainable future for the city at hand. Through my expertise and experience, gained in academia, governments and business, in the field of strategic urban planning, climate adaptation, energy supply, urban water management and food landscapes, in combination with a longstanding experience in organising and leading creative workshops, design charrettes and design studios I am prepared to support processes in urban sustainability in the partnership of cities you are working. I am clear in my formulation of tasks as well as expected outcomes, and am creative and agile in achieving this task, in close collaboration with your Urbact Network. I am used to collaborate with ambitious people, who have the desire to transform their urban environment in a sustainable way, overcoming the constraints together and share and celebrate the creativity that will emerge during the project.


Residence location:
Dutch - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise