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Ad-Hoc Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
My current PhD project is on Heritage-based Urban Development and using integrated and sustainable urban development theories and methods from a European background. I have in detail examined three case-models from different context where urban heritage was used for urban development by integrated planning procedures. I have extensive work experience in the field, for Example as Lead Partner of the HerO Project, as Partner (including process design and training) in the COMUS project, and many others.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
Holding a certificate as a trainer and coach I have designed and implemented a large number of trainings, workshops and meetings on either methods from the field of integrated urban planning or on the level of personal skills, which are needed to implement these methods. The activities were organized with or for the European Comission, Council of Europe, Organisation of World Heritage Cities, ICOMOS, etc.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I have extensively published in English and held a large number of Trainings, Workshops, Presentations and meetings in english. For a complete list please refer to my LinkedIn Profile and my ResearchGate Profile.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
I have been responsible on a European and International level for the design and implementation of transnational exchange and learning activities. I have designed and implemented trainings, workshops and meetings together with or for the Council of Europe, The Organisation of World Heritage Cities, the European Comission, ICOMOS and a large number of European projects from Horizon2020, Urbact and Interreg Programs. Most projects where I have been responsible have focussed on heritage management, heritage-based urban development, heritage communication and the resilience of urban heritage. I use modern and active methods that are sometimes unconventional but always focusing on the needs of the participants. I am a specialist for the scoping and designing of processes and activities of transnational exchange and learning activities.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Urban Strategic Planning
Summary Thematic expertise: 
A senior-level Heritage Manager with 15 years of success in heritage-based integrated urban development, heritage governance, heritage management and heritage communication, project development and strategic coordination of policies in an international environment. His core competencies are in the field of governance, integrated urban development, coaching and training and the communication of cultural heritage. Matthias has worked on four continents and all around Europe either involved in heritage projects, as a lecturer, facilitator, trainer or consultant. Among the institutions he worked with or for are: UNESCO, ICOMOS, OWHC, European Commission, Council of Europe, Committee of the Regions, National UNESCO Commissions, EHHF, Eurocities, ISG, URBACT, National, Regional and Local Governments and NGOs. He is a professional skilled in management, especially leadership and moderation of integrated Working Groups as well as consulting, building history, urbanism, social planning and tourism. His assets are:  Heritage management pioneer specializing in building successful partnerships in international and domestic (World-)heritage community.  Profound experience in development of integrated heritage management plans and heritage communication  Ability to bring people together and build a consensus toward a common goal.  Successful record in leveraging heritage programs through corporate sponsorships with results exceeding goals and expectations.
Theme / Policy: 
Local Governance
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Theme / Policy: 
Local Economic Development

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
In the COMUS Project I have designed together with one colleague from the Council of Europe the process to co-produce local heritage-based urban development plans together with the civil society. This included the definition of role, the selection of facilitators and trainers as well as the selection of the appropriate participatory methods. In the different project where I have been involved I have used design thinking, needs assessment, stakeholder mapping as well as feasability studies etc. I have use the urban manual on stakeholder extensively in many projects.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
In the Framework of the Organization of World Heritage Cities we have prepared a publication and database of case studies that also included many using the integrated approach. In the HerO Project we have designed a methodology based on the integrated approach and delivered it within the nine partner cities. We have also constantly evaluated the processes and methods and used for Example a peer review method. The integrated approach as referred to in the Leipzig Charta was at the heart of this project and I use it in any project where I am involved. My current PhD Project is also based on a systemic and integrated understanding of the city, urban heritage and urban development. I am currently involved in the Urban Agenda (Culture and Cultural Heritage) for a german ministry where we are designing and monitoring policies and processes that are based on an integrated approach.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
I am involved in many networks dealing with policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development and work for a german ministry that is involved in these issues. I also work for DGEAC in the Expert Panel for the European Heritage Label and receive constant information through them. I follow all relevant institutions and read policy papers and relevant scientific publications (also for my PhD).
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
In the COMUS Project we had to adapt and redesign the overall process including tools and content to meet the specific context in the countries of the eastern partnership. In my PhD I am designing a metamodel that can be used to design, evaluate and improve heritage-based urban development processes. It can also be used to design capacity building activities in the fields of Urban Heritage, Heritage Management and Heritage-based Urban Development in any specific context.
Summary Expertise: 
A senior-level Heritage Manager with 15 years of experience in heritage-based integrated urban development, heritage governance, heritage management and heritage communication, project development and strategic coordination of policies in an international environment. His core competencies are in the field of governance, integrated urban development, coaching and training and the communication of cultural heritage. Matthias has worked on four continents and all around Europe either involved in heritage projects, as a lecturer, facilitator, trainer or consultant. Among the institutions he worked with or for are: UNESCO, ICOMOS, OWHC, European Commission, Council of Europe, Committee of the Regions, National UNESCO Commissions, EHHF, Eurocities, ISG, URBACT, National, Regional and Local Governments and NGOs. His work was mainly focused to support local authorities, stakeholders and communities in the design and delivering of integrated and participatory policies related to urban heritage and heritage-based urban development.


Residence location:
German - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise