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Report from bilateral meeting in Mollet del Vallès

Edited on

02 April 2015
Read time: 1 minute

In September another bilateral meeting took place. This time in Mollet del Vallès, aiming at following up the concept transfer process and the Handbook work plan.

Summary of the process status and actions needed:

  • Coordination and cooperation functions very well, no need for specific action.
  • Local Support Group, LSG, consisting of eleven persons had their first meeting in April. The LSG seems to be well established now, no need for specific action.
  • Diet for a Green Planet transfer process has been very successful, and Mollet is already implementing the concept in three kindergartens from September this year. It has been a surprisingly quick and well managed process and the understanding of the concept is broadly and well established. No need for action from Lead partner or Lead expert.
  • Due to the hard work to get the implementation going, the handbook work has not been prioritized. The LSG is responsible for the production and the idea that was presented in April is now transformed. Latest October 3 the LSG will send a content and timeframe plan. They have not started to write texts or collect recipes, which mean they are in a great hurry. They have asked for a prolongation until the end of January or early February to get the handbook printed. The whole process needs continuous follow up from lead expert.
  • This visit took place at the same time as the Mollet Diet Policy Transnational Conference was going on. The conference was organized in an excellent way and politicians and high civil servants from Mollet contributed actively.  

Download the full report from the meeting (pdf) here:

PDF icon Download Diet for a Green Planet Bilateral Meeting Mollet del Valles Sept 2014 Interim Report (186.73 KB)
Hans von Essen, Thematic Expert