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Report from bilateral meeting with Molétai

Edited on

02 April 2015
Read time: 1 minute

In October another bilateral meeting took place. This meeting was held in Molétai. The aim was to follow up on the concept transfer process and the Handbook work plan.

Summary of the process status and actions needed:

  • Coordination and cooperation functions OK, but the Lithuanian coordinator suffers from lack of time and she has had a hard personal situation during a period, why she couldn’t participate in the Mollet conference in September. Instead the communication manager and a colleague of the coordinator went. These two and the coordinator now seem to form a good team, which is positive. It will be important to keep them all involved until the end of the project.
  • The Local Support Group, LSG, was formed with 21 members, but no politicians and people from primary and basic school have been active since the first bilateral meeting in February. In the Handbook working group around 10 persons are active. For the coming planned bilateral meeting combined with the exchange for food professionals there is still a possibility to involve a more members of the LSG, see below.
  • The practice transfer process seems to have been partly successful so far. The ideas of local, ecological and seasonal food are well understood. The health issues are very regulated by the dieticians and the state hygienic control institute which does not give much freedom for changes. Obviously it is not well understood why we should eat less meat and which kind of meat is then preferable. We worked as much as possible with this aspect, and the last bilateral meeting/professional exchange must put a lot of attention to this.  
  • Handbook production: Procurement process for graphic design and printing is done. Content plan is not developed in detail yet, but will be sent to lead expert before the end of October. A collection of recipes does exist, but they have not been sent to Södertälje. Content plan, texts and recipes have to be followed up by lead expert.
  • The coming bilateral meeting combined with an exchange for food professionals will be held when the Handbook is printed, probably in January. This is an excellent possibility to finish the practice transfer and at the same time discuss policy questions and a roadmap for future applications.  Important to try to get as many people involved as possible.

Download the full report from the meeting (pdf) here:

PDF icon Download Diet for a Green Planet Bilateral Meeting Moletai Oct 2014 Interim Report (137.41 KB)
Helena Nordlund, Lead Expert