ReGrowCity/Melgaço Tem Pop Up as a national example to be followed ….Once again !
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07 July 2020Melgaco (Portugal) "Pop up story" again national piece of news in Portugal!

“EXPRESSO”, the biggest weekly newspaper -the oldest and most highly thought- presented re-growCity partner Melgaco with a report on how disruptive practices are making the comeback of the traditional street commerce in Portugal, and wanted to quote on the good practice as an example to be followed by other cities. The interest demonstrated by the journalist, specialized in matters of urban economy, turned out to be not from Melgaco's diligence, but in consequence of the knowledge and curiosity that it had already of the peculiarity and success of our project.
This proves that, to communicate with efficiency is also an essential factor of the strategy of re-launching of urban dynamics. To disseminate the (fruitful) experience, not only potentiates the attractiveness, but it gives renowned and credibility to the good-practices Melgaco has adapted from the good example of Altena.
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