Register for the URBACT workshops during the #EURegionsWeek!
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15 October 2021This year the 19th European Week for Regions and Cities goes online from 11 to 14 October 2021.

During this week, URBACT speakers will present their practices and knowledge on how cities can stand up to different urban challenges. In addition, a representative from the URBACT Secretariat will present the new features and opportunities for cities under URBACT IV for the period 2021-2027.
Book your seat for the following sessions now
Digital for the People - it's more than just tech
13 October, 11:30 à 13:00 (code: 13WS21581) Workshop led by the URBACT Secretariat with the City of Valencia
Register here
Curious about what digital transition means for cities and their citizens? Then join this interactive session to explore how cities can enable it for their development and COVID-19 recovery. Hear from cities what digital transition is all about and what it looks like in practice. Whether you are a cutting-edge smart city or just starting your digital journey, you can still learn what's needed to enhance or start digital transition at city level, and how this works in different contexts and policy areas.
Cooperation and research opportunities with ESPON, Interact, Interreg Europe and URBACT in 2021-2027
14 October, 9.30-11.00 (code: 14WS21380) Workshop co-organised by URBACT, Interact, Interreg Europe and ESPON
Register here
As the new ESPON, Interact, Interreg Europe and URBACT programmes get ready to launch, this workshop will update you on how these programmes will get underway in the 2021-2027 period. The speakers will highlight their timeline to launch, their first priorities and actions – as well as where they want to be 2027, and how they will have helped the European recovery. Through your contributions and two Q&A sessions, participants will help shape the discussion.
Innovation for Just Urban Transitions
14 October 2021, 11:30 - 13:00 (code: 14WS21406) Workshop organised by Urban Innovative Actions
Register here
In light of the pandemic recovery plan, the EU has emphasised both the need for a sustainable, green recovery and the importance of supporting the most vulnerable people, who will be most badly affected by the effects of climate change and transition policies. This commitment is captured in the slogan, "No-one left behind."
Taking account of climate risks, together with their social consequences, UIA projects demonstrate the importance of testing new solutions for a new socio-ecological pact. In this context, it is crucial to bring forward practical interventions and results that could inspire and foster locally-based transitions in EU cities. The session will therefore focus on practical experiences and will use online tools to gather participants' inputs and address the following question: how can the new EU budget help pave the way to a just and green recovery at city level?
Stay connected for updates on social media @URBACT @Euinmyregion @EU_CoR and #EURegionsWeek
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