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Register for the URBACT Local Support Group National Seminars

Edited on

09 October 2017
Read time: 1 minute

The forthcoming URBACT Local Support Group National Seminars will take place in London (UK) on June 18, in Athens (Greece) on June 19, in The Hague (Netherlands) on June 23 and in Madrid (Spain) on June 25, 2009.

URBACT Local Support Groups (ULSG) are one of the key innovations brought in the URBACT II programme to increase the impact of exchange and learning activities at the local level. As requested by the Programme, all URBACT partners are setting up their Local Support Groups and starting to organize activities at local level. The URBACT Secretariat is keen on supporting the process and animating the Community of Local Support Groups, across projects, at programme level. In order to facilitate the successful work of ULSG, the URBACT Secretariat is now organising ULSG National Seminars, starting in the countries with the highest number of URBACT partners. These seminars are one-day events aiming at providing, in the local language, practical information and capacity building to the members of the LSG set up within the framework of the URBACT projects. Furthermore, the LSG seminars are also a first step in the constitution of an experience sharing network among all LSG members, at national level and beyond, at programme level across URBACT projects. Draft agenda of a ULSG National seminar (09.30 a.m - 5.00 p.m):

  • Introduction to the URBACT II Programme
  • Presentation of the ULSG Toolkit
  • 1st round of parallel workshops
  • Lunch break
  • 2nd round of parallel workshops
  • Closing remarks and conclusions

These seminars are respectively dedicated to representatives of the URBACT II national partners, members of the Local Support Groups of the URBACT II national partners (we advise that each ULSG send at least 5 members at the seminar), and national Lead Experts. 

  • Register to URBACT Local Support Group British Seminar (London, June 18, 2009)
  • Register to URBACT Local Support Group Greek Seminar (Athens, June 19, 2009)
  • Register to URBACT Local Support Group Dutch Seminar (The Hague, June 23, 2009)
  • Register to URBACT Local Support Group Spanish Seminar (Madrid, June 25, 2009)

Contact : Lazar Divjak (l.divjak(at)
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