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Register now: EUROCITIES 2010 Zaragoza!

Edited on

21 June 2019
Read time: 1 minute

Taking place on 3-5 November in Spain, EUROCITIES 2010 Zaragoza Conference entitled, 'Successful cities – vision and identity' will look at how cities use city branding and marketing to promote themselves both nationally and internationally. Over 400 participants including mayors and local politicians as well as EU and Spanish state representatives are to attend.

The theme chosen for EUROCITIES 2010 Zaragoza focuses on the analysis of how cities develop innovative tools to create a strong identity and to promote themselves at different levels, both nationally and internationally.

Cities are in competition to attract investments, art, culture, tourism, and citizens. To become a strong city it is essential to create or consolidate a city brand within the framework of a comprehensive economic development strategy.

In Zaragoza, participating cities at whatever point in the process of developing their identity, will have an opportunity to share their ideas on the importance and consequences of building an internationally recognized city brand.

Zaragoza is particularly aware of this, since, during the last months, it has gone through the creation and launching process of its own new city brand and wishes to share its recent experience with others.

EUROCITIES 2010 Zaragoza Conference will develop diverse aspects of this theme through various sessions over four days, from Wednesday 3 November to Saturday 6 November. The City of Zaragoza will also organise several touristic visits for the delegates attending the conference.

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