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RegioStars 2009 ‘The Awards for Innovative Projects' : Submit you application!

Edited on

25 June 2019
Read time: 1 minute

To become the next winner of the RegioStarsAwards for Innovative Projects, submit your application by 15 July 2008 at the latest.

"Organized by the European Commission in the framework of the "Regions for economic change " initiative, the main objectives of RegioStars 2009 are to identify good innovative practices in regional development. This event also aims to highlight original and innovative projects which could be attractive and inspiring to other regions. For 2009 an additional criterion has been added which is that the projects must be able to demonstrate the use of particular processes or methodologies promoted by the EU Cohesion Policy framework. The following themes are targeted: 1) Research, Technological Development and Innovation. 2) Adaptation to or mitigation of climate change. 3) Radio or television spot or programme that highlights the contribution of Cohesion Policy. Eligibility criteria:

  • Demonstration that the project has received ERDF or Cohesion funding after 2000
  • Initial project is finalised or is sufficiently advanced to demonstrate impacts in the region
  • The project must demonstrate that it has been proactive in sharing its experiences/mobilisation of partners in the project

The RegioStars Jury will comprise experts on the Award themes and representatives from the Commission and the Committee of the Regions. Winners are expected to attend the Regions for Economic Change conference in March 2009 when the awards will be announced. They may also be asked to present their project at the conference. Although there will not be a monetary reward, the winners will be presented with a trophy and a film of the project will be produced. Read More And also : The Parliament Magazine's Regional Review has partnered with the Committee of the Regions (CoR) to produce the European Regional Champion Awards 2008"