Regions for Economic Change Conference & URBACT Workshop: Registration open!
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09 October 2017The 2010 Regions for Economic Change conference will be held by the European Commission on 20-21 May. Under the heading, "Regions For Economic Change – Building sustainable growth", the conference will have three main themes: a) sustainable energy; b) sustainable ICT solutions and c) greening Europe's cities. URBACT is actively involved in this event through a dedicated workshop. Register now!

Regions for Economic Change initiative promoting good practice began in 2006 just before the start of the current programming period (2007-2013) of European cohesion policy programmes. It introduces new ways to dynamise regional and urban networks and to help them work closely with the Commission, test innovative ideas and enable a rapid transfer into the Convergence, Regional Competitiveness and Employment, and European Territorial cooperation programmes.
The 2010 conference will include a high-profile political event with keynote speakers, politicians and practitioners discussing the future of European cohesion policy within the new EU2020 framework. Specific thematic workshops will examine the challenges, opportunities and policy responses for each of the three main themes of the conference. Finally, the new Commissioner for Regional Policy will present the prestigious 'RegioStars' awards 2010 to projects displaying good European practice and innovation in regional policy.
More than 500 participants from regions all over Europe are expected to discuss how European cohesion policy and its instruments can help regions to learn from one another. Through nine workshops, the event will showcase strategies, experiences and projects intended to provide learning and networking opportunities for Structural Funds managing authorities.
A specific URBACT workshop will take place on 20th May (09:30 - 12:00) at the Charlemagne Conference Centre, in Brussels. Entitled 'Improving the impact of territorial cooperation on local policies - Networking for change', this session will focus on the URBACT Local Action Plans which cities and Managing Authorities have developed over the past two years. The signing ceremony will be followed by a presentation of four selected Local Action Plans and a discussion on the main success factors. Will participate to this workshop: Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for Regional Policy, Hervé Masurel, Inter-ministerial Delegate for Urban Affairs, Director of the URBACT II Managing Authority (FR), Wladyslaw Piskorz, Head of Unit, European Commission, Regional Policy DG as well as representatives from cities and Managing Authorities of four URBACT II Fast Track Networks: UNIC – Urban Network for Innovation in Ceramics, HerO – Heritage as opportunity, Open Cities and RegGov – Urban-regional governance.
Seize the opportunity for informal discussions and participate in 2010 Regions for Economic Change conference!
Read more:
- Regions for Economic Change – Inforegio website
- Conference programme – Inforegio website
- Registration – Inforegio website
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