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RegGov Project Final Conference: Save the Date!

Edited on

09 October 2017
Read time: 1 minute

RegGov is one of the URBACT projects which is currently in its Implementation Phase and that will end before the summer of 2011. Its nine partners have been working successfully for two years on integrated strategies for a sustainable development of deprived urban neighbourhoods with a particularly close, trustful and efficient co-operation between the Partner Cities and their Managing Authorities to support the development of new and improved forms of co-operation. The project will complete its programme of exchange and learning activities with a final conference organised in Duisburg (Germany) on Thursday, 12th May and Friday, 13th May 2011.

The conference will take place in the "Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord" (Landscape Park Duisburg-North) - a former area of heavy industry developed to an intra-urban and multifunctional landscape park which connects industrial heritage, nature and city life.

Besides the spectacular venue, a common event organised by the RegGov Project and the regional city-network "Socially Integrated City" of North Rhine-Westphalia will take place on the second conference day. All cities and neighbourhoods involved in the regional city-network and the RegGov project will present their own neighbourhoods and their projects during an exhibition on the topic of integrated neighbourhood development.

Save the date of RegGov Final Conference! Further information will be provided in due time.

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