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Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
Since the ’90, I had a career in studying, defining and implementing employment strategies and services for the labour market, with a focus with towns. More recently I enlarged my area of action to the creation of work opportunities troughs sustainable urban development. In the last 4 years I developed a wide understanding of topics related to integrated and sustainable urban development through: my work in different incubators and hubs of Social Innovation; writing part of ESFR Regional Operative Programmes; managing projects in Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini. In the last 2 years, I operated on projects and methodologies that lead to urban development from a participatory approach, with sharing policies and economy, codesign and contamination. My commitments with Local Administrations lead to designing and implementing policies related to innovation, co-designed community led solutions and services on a wide set of city challenges like: social inclusion, youth employment, economic development, smart and green city, sharing policies. In Rome I founded an Impact Hub and I’m responsible of its international networking and development. In Milan I support FabriQ, a Social Innovation Incubator, dedicated to social enterprises, and MHUMA Milan HUb for MAkers, an R&D laboratory and education centre for the application of digital manufacturing to social innovation. In Carrara I’m scientific coordinator of Art Hub dedicated to the local development through contemporary art economy.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
I have been working on exchange and learning processes, mostly at transnational level, for almost 20 years. Mixing my core competences in EU Policies and Funds and Computer Science, I have designed and managed learning processes for groups both off line and on line, on idea generation and project development on issues such as employment, social inclusion, counselling, empowerment of talent, creation of shared value , international cooperation, youth empowerment and leadership, stakeholders engagement, partnership building etc. As project manager, thematic expert, Communication Officier, I have designed and managed learning, community building and stakeholders’ engagement processes both internally and externally in a variety of countries and regions. In my wide experience as trainer I used different methodologies always focused on engagement and empowerment of the participants. Recently I included in my tools webinars, mental maps, innovation labs setting, living labs, hackathons. As trainer for profit and no profit organizations, with NEETs target group, weak labour force, managers, trainers, I design and manage both citizens’ and stakeholders’ engagement processes involving public and private actors at both city and regional level in order to support their social innovation work.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I got a degree in Computer Science, studying only on English texts. Then I got a post graduate international course held in Italy, Bruxelles and London in English and French. Than I worked on projects and with the business community in English for almost 20 years. I have operated as thematic expert and/or project manager in several international projects run only in English language. I’m fluent in oral and written English

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
As public official initially, private sector top manager, and independent expert now, I developed an specific competence to work out the common interests of all partners in a project, event or initiative. Immediately after my post degree class in European Cooperation, in 1990, I started to design and manage transnational projects, mainly focused in the domain of competence empowerment and local development. During my 4 years at a Regional Agency for the Employment, I have been working on exchange and learning processes focused on trainers, expert and operators but also with workers, unemployed, people at risk of social exclusion. Later, as Executive Director of a company, I managed the technical assistance project to the Italian Ministry of Labour to implement the EU Cedefop Programme study visits in Italy. I supported the Ministry in defining and coordinating strategies; selection of Italian candidates that will experience a study visit abroad and managed the quality and effectiveness of learning of foreign expert visits in Italy. I’m used to work in multicultural teams embedded in a complex network of partnerships. I have a decennial experience of learning seminars and classes with policy makers as well with unemployed and weak labour force: they gave me the attitude to go directly to what fulfil a need, what is useful and important. My skill in public speaking really helps a lot to reinforce attention also using metaphors and storytelling techniques

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Local Governance
Summary Thematic expertise: 
In the last three years I have been working within different municipalities in designing and implementing bottom up city level policies related to social innovation and co-production of community led solutions and services on a wide set of city challenges: youth employment, economic development, smart and green city, re-use of public spaces. I am currently participating at the development of four centres for Open and Social Innovation in Italy with the mission to accelerate the urban local ecosystems for social innovation and connect those local ecosystems transnationally. I’m deeply focused in studying and identifying new skill and competences related to local governance, urban resilience aspects and community management and development.
Theme / Policy: 
Active Inclusion of Target Groups
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I have senior experience in research activities, policy design, designing and managing projects for the active inclusion of citizens. I work on this domain since 1994. My experience is focused on youth (included NEETs), weak labour forces, people at risk of poverty, over 50 years old citizens. In the last years I have been working on anti-crisis strategies and approach, studying the evolution of the skills, the labour market, the social needs. I work with different local authorities and NGO in designing and implementing inclusion policies. I’m active in defining more participatory approaches to help people to tackle the risk of poverty and social exclusion

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
I actively participated in the definition and drafting of the Smart Specialization Strategy for the 2014-2020 EU Funds framework of Lazio region. To fix the common interests of all the public and private stakeholders, I produced baseline studies of the sectors (Green Economy and Agri-Food), they have been spread among the thematic communities, than I defined and used an on line questionnaire with open and closed questions. Focus groups had been organised with a selection of actors, than plenary sessions where the political representative was mainly ‘listening’. The mix of bottom up needs and remarks, mixed with the top down political guidelines produced a ‘green paper’ that got a final on line feedback from al the population before to be finally revised to be part of the Smart Specialisation Strategy. Please also see par. C.1.1, C.1.2, C.1.3.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
Supporting Lazio Region in developing its strategy for smart cities and urban renewal within the 2014-2020 programming period I operated with an integrated approach driven by the willing impacts. According to the goals, with my team I worked on design, implementing, monitoring and evaluation of policies also with a bottom up advocacy and participation from stakeholders and civil society Please see also par. C.1.1, C.1.2, C.1.3
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
My background include a comprehensive post graduated course in European Cooperation and Funds. Since 1990 I follow the main policies and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level. Till 2007 the world “sustainable” was declined in a different way, mainly focused on environment. Now it include the social and economic factors, that are the ones I have experienced since the beginning also as head of the EU Project Unit for an Agency of the Ministry of Labour and as director of company supporting national and local authorities in the implementation and communication of ESF and other funds. I keep myself up to date, attending events (i.e. Open Days DG Regio, National & EU Information days), within thematic information and discussion groups on Social Network, and wit my daily practice on project design and management.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
Actually, I’m working with many local communities all over Italy in order to accelerate policy development processes. Imagining, designing and building incubators for Local Social Innovation, I’m droved by some key approaches: focus on the “strengths” of individuals and communities rather than on their “weaknesses”; Solutions focused on the beneficiaries, created with them, never without them; an holistic approach to people’s diverse problems. I am involved in the development of four centres for Open and Social Innovation in different cities in Italy with the mission to accelerate the urban local ecosystems for social innovation and connect those local ecosystems transnationally. All are projected to international processes. In particular, Impact Hub Rome is part of the Impact Hub Global network ( and I’m strongly committed to design and deliver integrated and participatory policies across Hub members worldwide, both on project and thematic base. In order to understand local complexity, constraints and connections, I’m used to map the different aspects: social, community, economic, employment, environmental, financial issues. After I figure out the main relations among also them, also using infographics online representations .
Summary Expertise: 
At present I am overseeing development of four centres for Open and Social Innovation in 4 cities in Italy with the mission to accelerate the urban local ecosystems for social innovation and connect those local ecosystems transnationally. In Rome, I funded Impact Hub Rome the Social Innovation Coworking space, In Milan I support FabriQ, the first Italian Social Innovation Incubator, devoted to incubate social enterprises, and MHUMA – Milan HUb for MAkers, an R&D laboratory and education centre for the application of digital manufacturing to social innovation. In Turin I give expertise to Open INCET – Open INnovation CEnter Torino, a centre offering services to public Institutions and private organisations to help them pilot innovations and grow internationally. In Carrara I’m scientific coordinator of Art Hub the space for contemporary art - related competences . All these places are related to designing and delivering integrated and participatory policies and services to urban centre My past role in Active AGE URBACT Project as Communication Officer gave me a wide view on the dissemination and information perspective related to the policies.


Residence location:
Italian - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise