Project meeting in Vitoria-Gasteiz
Edited on
16 March 201015th and 16th of March: Workshop with the MS/I technical support team and session on the Work package "Finances and cooperation"

Participants from both groups discussed actively the reference frameworks "questions grid" and the overall design and functionality of the future tool.
The second day was dedicated to the workpackage "Finances and cooperation" where the results of the reasearch among LC-FACIL partners - prepared by work package leader Vitoria-Gasteitz - and a survey carried out among 45 European cities - prepared by Leipzig and the Lead Expert - on experiences with integrated, sustainable urban development and their cooperation in this respect with all levels (from local, regional, national to European) involved. See also LC-FACIL brochure or the long version of the results.
Presentations on WP 2: Download LCF_Vitoria_meeting_WP_2_analysis_lcf_cities_by_Vitoria.pdf (143.85 KB), survey among external cities
Download LCF_Vitoria_meeting_WP_2_survey_external_cities_by_Leipzig.pdf (356.13 KB) and
Download LCF_Vitoria_meeting_WP_2_survey_external_cities_by_D_Kampus.pdf (22.78 KB).
Monday and Tuesday were rounded up with a tour through the historic city centre, the newly designed public spaces around the tramway and new, very dense settlement extentions of the urban fabric at the fringe of Vitoria-Gasteiz.
Read the Download Urbact_II_en_Vitoria.pdf (489.33 KB)
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