Project Meeting in Graz
Edited on
11 February 2011
In the work session the partners went online through the latest version of the Reference Framework (RF) and discussed the handling and the clarity for users of the tool. Generally, the tool is very complex and during the discussion it became clear that the most difficult part of the assessment will be to organize the local process. Especially ciies at an early stage of such integration will need more guidance through such a process.
Another important fact, that was debated, was the preparation of the LC-Facil group at the participation of the Launching Event in Brussels on 15th and 16th of March. For the event, a short presentation will be prepared with an introduction, some inputs and first experience of the test cities.
The afternoon and the beginning of the second day was dedicated to the four work packages (WPs). At first each leader presented their summary of the analysis and results of the case studies, the proposals on conclusions and recommendations, which were then discussed by the group. As a result main points to each single work packages could be determinded - partly valid for all WPs.
Other topics of the work session on Friday were: the preparation of the final outputs - the library and final brochure etc.; the preparation of the final conference in May; the Local action plans - status quo and finalisation; and finally the clarification of administrative issues.
On Thursday the meeting started with a trip through the Urban II area "Graz- West" and the town centre of Graz. This visit focused on the area around the former brewery "Reininghaus", the information centre "urban box" and near the new university of applied sciences.
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