Presentation of URBinclusion Network videos
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15 June 2019By Massimiliano Rumignani. The URBinclusion partnership has delivered several short videos presenting the same project activities and some of the case studies analysed during the project implementation to better understand how to deal with five main challenges that cities face when implementing programmes, initiatives, actions and project at local levels.

URBinclusion Project Videos
URBinclusion Project presentation
This video presents the URBinclusion network in the framework of the URBACT funding programme, the Network aims and partners. It presents as well the project focus and the implementation challenges analysed by the partnership.
URBinclusion Final Conference – Barcelona
This video summarises the activities and the outcomes of the URBinclusion network final conference, which was held at the end of March 2019 in the Sant Andreu district in Barcelona and the final statements of some political and technical representatives from the network cities.
URBinclusion partner cities videos
Barcelona videos
Accompanying program for the rehousing of residents from “Cases barates” - Bon Pastor/Barcelona
This video presents the Barcelona case example of the “Accompanying program for the rehousing of residents from “Cases barates” of the El Bon Pastor neighbourhood” to new large building and, in this framework, the work done by La Fàbrica, a social initiative cooperative supporting local residents to properly adapt to the new life style in the new large building.
The Esforsa’t project – Barcelona
This video presents the Esforsa’t project, which works with young people from Barcelona neighbourhoods Bon Pastor and Baró de Viver, between 16 and 25 years old and it aims to promote healthy actions, such as sport, training, health and leisure, which reduce the risk indicators between the youth population.
Krakow video
Social initiatives in the Azory neighbourhood
The video focuses the attention on the Azory neighbourhood, one the most deprived area in the city and with several social and infrastructure problems. Different initiatives implemented by the municipality and supporting the social inclusions of local citizens, also by bringing together senior citizens and kids are presented and their benefits described by the local residents. The main achievements of this initiatives are Residents integration, Residents activation, Public participation, co-governance and Trust.
Turin video
The Abito project
This video presents the Abito project, implemented in the framework of the Torino Social Impact that is a policy for social innovation. This policy aims to reduce poverty and segregation through different initiatives. The Abito project aims to provide support to young foreigners to access a house in the residential market, to increase the trust between the owners and the tenants and finally to provide a successful model easily replicable in Turin and in other cities.
Glasgow video
Making Change Happen - inclusive education
The video present the initiative of a school in Govanhill that has adopted an innovative approach to guarantee learning outcomes for local children. The school has a high number of children from Roma families and many other pupils are non-English speakers. The approach is tailored to the needs of the child. They have the evidence that children are learning and developing - but it is not in the format collected in other schools.
Naples video
Redesign your neighborhood project - Porta Capuana
The Naples video gives an overview of the changes that affected the Porta Capuana area in the last decades and presents some of the activities that have been monitored and analyzed in the framework of the URBinclusion network, such as the “Redesign your neighborhood” project that involved the association “Aste & Nodi” and the social cooperatives “Dedalus” and “Casba”.
Copenhagen videos
Copenhagen Community based living labs
This video presents the views of different participants coming from the local community (Sydhavenen) and from Glasgow that participate and have participated to three living labs established in South Harbour focusing on Social inclusion, Energy and Circular Economy. Special attention is given to the ones focusing on social inclusion and specifically on the importance of reducing unemployment.
Ankers Market
This video presents the results of a partnership between local business, NGOs and the public housing to organize a market place in the Anker Jørgensens square. They have created a local market, that sells both locally upscaled (circular economy) products and more commercial Christmas gifts and decorations in order to create a more social and cultural inclusive urban life, and as well offer low skill jobs to the daily users.
Lyon Metropole video
Lyon Metropole Habitat Projet Métropolitain des Solidarités
This video presents different actions of concertation, citizens participation, democratic governance and personalized support with residents implemented by Lyon Metropole Habitat in some areas. Collective interventions training was provided to employees of LMH in order to build stronger collaborations with residents and gaining a stronger involvement of these in the different social initiatives implemented in the most disfavoured areas.
Timisoara video
Social inclusion initiatives in Kuncz neighbourhood
This video presents initiatives of Timisoara Municipality focusing on the Kuncz neighbourhood, one of the city most deprived area. Different interventions, implemented in the framework of the URBinclusion project, targeted marginalized residents with different kinds of interventions supporting their social inclusion through different and specific employment and support initiatives.
Trikala video
Local action plan for Roma integration
This video presents an ambitious plan to support Roma people in their main settlements in Trikala by improving their living conditions and by enhancing their social inclusion. This plan was designed in collaboration and consultation with spokespersons of all three Roma local settlements. The funding supported the construction of new infrastructures to support Roma vulnerable groups.
Submitted by Massimiliano Ru... on