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Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
My understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development comes from an extensive and diverse education and professional experience. I graduated in Architecture/Urban Planning at the Politecnico di Torino, Italy, with a dissertation on the evaluation of urban plans. I expanded my education in urban and regional planning (urban economics, sociology, geography and government) completing an MSc at the London School of Economics. Since the beginning, my approach has therefore been integrated and international. I have worked in the private, non profit and public sectors, in the UK and Italy, on projects located in other EU countries. I have worked in major companies, such as Ove Arup in London, medium size (Ecosfera in Rome), major local authorities (Milano and Torino), led a small, strategic agency for urban development in Torino, worked as an external associate or free lance, and as a University professor. My work has included a variety of European programmes, policy evaluation, feasibility studies (real estate and infrastructure developments), regeneration programmes, strategic planning, tourism and destination development. The variety of assignments and perspectives has allowed me to develop a strong understanding, as well as capacity for innovation and delivery, on urban development challenges, programmes and projects at different scales.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
My LSE Master dissertation in 1997 developed a comparison between urban policy evaluation in France and the UK. I then worked for a short time on mapping research funding programmes for the newly launched LSE Cities course. In my professional career I worked on transnational programmes in different ways, on EU projects and other assignments. Until 1999, at Ove Arup in London, I helped with evaluating Objective I, II and Konver programmes. In 2003-04 I was responsible for a bid for an Interreg 3B Alpine Space project (AlpCity) promoted by the Piedmont Region, on small and medium sized towns and cities in the Alps. The project was selected and funded (2,2 ml euros), and successfully delivered. Between 2013 and 2016, I was project manager on behalf of the City of Torino of CityRegions (Central Europe). In 2019 I managed the bidding process of an Urbact project, CTIES4CSR, on behalf of the Municipality of Milan, as lead partner, which was selected and has now started in Phase 1. Beside this EU project experience, I have set up and managed an international Scientific Committee for the Torino Strategic Plan (2013-2014). In 2011 I have organised study trips for my colleagues in Torino to explore major urban projects (Hamburg, Vienna, Lyon, Marseille and Barcelona), and in 2018 to visit the startup ecosystem in Amsterdam. In 2016, I organized the Forum of European Metropolitan Authorities (EMA) in Torino, with approx. 30 participant cities. For some years I have
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
After graduating in Italy, I spent four years in London, working for three years in research and consultancy, and one year studying at the LSE. During that period, daily use of English at work and in my personal life has increased my fluency and confidence. In Italy, I worked in English for an international company (Colliers/Locum) as their Southern European associate and continued to use English in all my working positions. I have written many reports, working documents, and published in books and journals in English.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
My experience in designing transnational exchange and learning activities derives from my bidding role on behalf of Piedmont Region on an Interreg Europe Alpine Space project (AlpCity), and more recently, on behalf of the Municipality of Milan, an UIA project (MyPlace) and an URBACT Action Planning project (CITIES4CSR) project (Lead Partner). In terms of delivery I was project manager for the Municipality of Torino of a Central Europe project (City Regions, on peri-urban challenging issues and cooperation approaches). Other transnational activities non related to EU projects include the organisation of the European Metropolitan Forum in Torino, a seminar on Business Friendly City with international experts, the management of an international scientific committee for the third Strategic plan in Torino. In all cases I have directly produced, or commissioned, effective, well-structured and concise background & research insights, briefs, presentations, reports, policy advice notes, social media messages, etc to support stakeholders' engagement, exchange, learning and overall progress.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Urban Strategic Planning
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Under the Mayor's of Torino leadership, as Director of Torino Internazionale agency, between 2012 and 2016, I was in charge – designed and developed – the third Strategic plan for the metropolitan area of Torino. Building a 10 year and key projects implied doing significant research, outreach, engagement, and a communication process. The strategic plan included 29 very diverse projects, on spatial planning, greening, business development, innovation, start-ups, food systems, social cohesion, etc. Also my recent work on developing the Neighbourhood plan for the City of Milan has a highly integrated and strategic nature. It includes a great number of diverse social, economic, physical, housing, cultural projects to activate change in the most disantvantaged neighbourhoods. Internal Departments, external stakeholders (public, private and non profit) are actively involved in many different ways,. My architecture/planning university background in Torino together with my socio-economic and policy studies at the LSE allow me to always adopt an integrated approach.
Theme / Policy: 
Local Governance
Summary Thematic expertise: 
In my recent work experience, I worked significantly on local governance issues. Between 2012-2106, I designed and led the Torino Strategic plan. It was mostly focused on innovating the local governance framework, between stakeholders from the public, private and third sector, urban districts, 38 Municipalities, the Metropolitan City and the Region. I also led the preparation of the Eporediese strategic plan (Ivrea area, near Torino), coordinating the vision of 58 Municipalities and private actors. During those years I worked especially on the metropolitan question, which in Italy is still trying to find its way. I was also an active member of the Eurocities WG on Metropolitan areas and organised the 2nd European Metropolitan Forum in Torino. The Neighbourhood Plan of Milan required the consideration of several local governance issues, such as how to involved the 10 Milano's bouroughs. One approach was to ensure them a major role in definining the themes of a 1ml call for better focused community projects. I also helped to launch Milano City School, a platform between the City of Milan and 6 universities, an innovative example on local governance cooperation between public sector and academia. Most recently I prepared the succesful bid for Urbact CITIES4CSR project. It focuses on the issue of cooperation and shared value between businesses (their CSR), public sector and NGOs in order to promote urban development and regeneration activities and projects.
Theme / Policy: 
Integrated Urban Renewal

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
The four year preparation of the Torino metropolitan Strategic plan, that I led, was a huge exercise of co-production among hundreds of participants at a range of meetings and labs. Building a vision for the future of the city required a proactive outreach approach (especially with some stakeholders from the business sector), a constant group work with others, partnership building and conflict resolution (especially among different level of government, and between private and public organisations), a community dialogue (especially on social issues, with young people, etc). In particular we set up a Task Force of young experts, selected via an open call. Assisted by professional facilitators, they worked with visioning and action planning methods to deliver the initial draft vision of the Strategic plan’s themes. In the past, while at Ecosfera in Rome, I have drafted a consultancy report on participatory methods commissioned by the Municipality of Rome. While at the end of University, I was also one of the cofounders of Avventuara Urbana, probably the first participation organisation in Italy.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
For two years, I managed a 1ml euros/year call for projects at the Municipality of Milan. The call was targeted at local projects, developed by communities and NGO’s. In order to maximize their quality and impact, we set up a structured participatory and monitoring process. Project managers were invited to meetings to present and discuss their projects (objectives, critical delivery issues, networking and future opportunities, etc). The methods and tools used included peer learning and design thinking. Some project coordinators have also been invited to exchange-&-learning sessions with other city-makers at a local cultural foundation.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
I keep updated with policy and funding schemes re. EU Cohesion policy, Cities & urban development, Urban Agenda, Urbact, UIA, Horizon 2020, ESPON, PONmetro IT, Regional structural policies ERDF/ESF (Piedmont and Lombardy mostly) by checking their websites, subscribing and reading their newsletter, following their main social media (twitter mostly, also Linkedin). I also check regularly Eurocities site and receive the news, occasionally OECD, EIB sites. In the past, I attended the EU week in Brussels, several Eurocities meetings at different levels, was active in the WG on metropolitan issues, participated to an Urban Development Group event, took part in ULI major events, etc. I usually read blogs and news on urban issues, such as the Guardian Cities, Next City, Urban@it, Planum and ANCI in Italy. I keep myself informed with progress in the relevant research fields. I attend as many events on funding schemes, policy innovation and research as feasible and compatible/connected with work commitments. Mostly.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
At a local level, I have adapted the engagement process of 38 Municipalities in order to build a common vision and strategic projects for the whole Turin Metropolitan area. We were initially involving all the Mayors of the Municipalities together, but realised that the main central City was present mostly with a Deputy Mayor, in the best case. That was not perceived positively and creating disinterest. Moreover issues between Municipalities at North, South, East and West were too different to be treated in the same group. So we changed our process and invited, a series of smaller, more geographically relevant groups, the Mayors of the surrounding Municipalities and the Presidents of the Boroughs of the Main city, which are of similar size. Though at different levels of government, those meetings proved much more cooperative and productive.
Summary Expertise: 
Between 2011 and 2016, as Director of Torino Internazionale, I designed and managed the third Torino metropolitan Strategic plan. Devising the plan was a huge exercise of co-production among hundreds of participants. Building a vision for the future of the city required a proactive outreach approach, managing several committees, working groups and labs, partnership building and conflict resolution, community dialogue. The plan was highly integrated, inc. 29 key projects on economic development, metropolitan governance, social challenges, etc. We studied also their concrete feasibility and started their implementation. As Director of the Neighbourhood Plan Development Unit at the Municipality of Milan, I set up a process of engagement at different levels: 20 Municipal Departments, a very large number of private stakeholders, community organisations and their representations. Again the Plan includes very diverse actions in order to promote and support change in disadvantaged areas. As part of this Milano plan, I managed a 1ml euros/year call for community projects on urban regeneration. In order to maximise their quality and impact, we set up a structured participatory and monitoring process. In the past, as staff/consultant at Arup, Ecosfera, Colliers/Locum, Finpiemonte I have mostly developed integrated urban plans, programmes and projects, engaging stakeholders and developing their feasibility.


Residence location:
Italian - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise