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Ad-Hoc Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
I am a senior researcher with 17 years of work experience. My main research focus lies within the fields of urban studies, urban planning and migration studies. In 2002 I received my diploma degree from the University of Hamburg in geography, sociology and urban planning. In 2006 I received my doctoral degree from the University of Kiel in geography. During my academic career I have worked at the University of Kiel (2002-2005), the London School of Economics, LSE (2006-2009) and the ILS - Research Institute for Urban and Regional Development (2009-today). During this time I have worked on numerous research projects, including the following (see attached CV for more information): - RELOCAL (Horizon 2020): Resituating the local in cohesion and territorial development (Role: senior researcher) - CITITALENT (Spanish government): Talent attraction, innovation and creativity for urban development of Madrid city region (Role: international project expert) - Wiedererstarkte Städte / Regenerating cities (German government): strategies and factors for supporting cities characterised by structural change (Role: project lead) - Weak Market Cities in Europe (Joseph Rowntree Foundation): strategies and approaches by larger older-industrial cities in Europe and the U.S. (Role: senior researcher) From 02/2020 I will be the ILS project supervisor of a H2020-funded project MIMY (Empowerment through liquid integration of migrant youth in vulnerable conditions) (Role: project lead)
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
During my academic career I was involved in several transnational projects and cooperations. Let me briefly outline some of these: - I built up a cooperation between ILS and University of Missouri - St. Louis (UMSL) in 2015, which is built on the joint work on the debates around gentrification in larger older-industrial cities (such as St. Louis or Dortmund). This included guest visits in the U.S., joint conference sessions (UAA conference, Los Angeles), student exchanges (between TU Dortmund and UMSL), preparation of joint academic papers - The project Weak Market cities (mentioned under B.1) involved research in several European cities (e.g. Belfast, Bilbao, Bremen, Leipzig) and had a strong practitioner focus, including several so-called City Reformers Group meetings in London as well as in all of the 7 studied cities. Two follow-up projects funded by the German government continued with this approach and international networking of practitioners. - For a project funded by ILS about high-skilled migrants I spent several months at the University of Manchester do carry out fieldwork, for lectures as well as networking. - I currently involved in one EU project (RELOCAL) and will be working on another one starting next year (MIMY), both Horizon 2020.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I am fluent in English, both written and spoken. My English language skills were enhanced by: - a stay at Southampton University as Erasmus student (1999) - a stay in New York City for my diploma studies (2001) - employment at London School of Economics (2006-2009) - visiting scholarship at University of Manchester (2015) - visiting scholarship at University of Missouri - St. Louis (2016) - participation and presentation at numerous conferences (see CV for detailed information)

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Employment, Human Capital and Labour Mobility
Summary Thematic expertise: 
My work addresses how migration shapes cities within the EU. While covering different types of labour migration across the EU, a focus lies on high-skilled migration. It studies the mobility of talent/human capital from different angles, including policy-makers and practitioners, the individual perspective of mobile workers as well as the role of employers. My involvement in a number of third-party funded research projects has provided me with a substantial background and expertise in understanding important societal issues on different scales, particularly on the city-level. I have particular expertise issues of cities that are addressing structural change, demographic decline as well as peripheralisation. Thematically my expertise comprises migration and migration policy, talent attraction, social integration, structural change, urban regeneration, gentrification, urban governance, housing as well as labour. In projects funded by different levels of government (EU, foundations, national, regional) I have gained substantial expertise in the production of reports that address how policy-makers and other relevant urban/regional actors can confront challenges arising from larger social/economic processes.

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies


Residence location:
German - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise