Perspectives on resilience for cities: what next for innovation and collaboration in a time of COVID-19 and towards COP26?
Edited on
23 April 2021What powerful lessons can be learned from UK cities implementing innovative practice?
How can cities build resilience in times of crisis when innovating with communities?
How can cities link wider funding to transferrable innovation for greater system-wide resilience (environmental, social, economic and governance)?
What are the next steps for cities?

This virtual event will provide the opportunity for cities and those working with cities to learn from UK cities participating in the URBACT Transfer Networks – sharing knowledge and best practice in public procurement, climate action in arts and culture, digital transition, urban regeneration, NGO capacity building, inclusion and countering negative attitudes.
Hear from local government and city experts, find out about new routes to funding innovation in cities, and gain valuable insight into the power of embedding good practice, featuring key innovative examples from UK cities, including:
Manchester - C-Change: Culture for climate change (mobilising arts and culture sector to contribute to local climate change policies)
Preston - Making Spend Matter (progressing procurement practice through spend analysis)
Barnsley - Tech Revolution (create more and better local jobs through an inspirational hub space and focused business support)
Birmingham - Urban Regeneration Mix (revitalising historic districts through renovation of buildings and multi-functions)
Brighton & Hove - ACTive NGOs (building community spaces for cultivating local ecosystems)
Cardiff - Rumourless Cities (enhancing diversity by through deconstructing stereotypes and prejudices about immigrants).
Speakers include:
Cassie Robinson, Deputy Director, Funding Strategy, The National Lottery Community Fund.
Adele Bucella, Head of Projects & Programming, URBACT
Mark Duncan Strategic Lead, Resources and Programmes, Manchester City Council.
Speaker (tbc) from UK Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.
Join us for this half-day event, with key activities, including:
Keynote speeches from leading experts
Presentations and roundtables from city practitioners
Breakout rooms for deep-dive into key themes
Open Q&As
Virtual networking
We look forward to welcoming you to the event.
Please note: parts of the event will be recorded.
URBACT enables cities to work together to develop sustainable solutions to major urban challenges, through networking, sharing knowledge, and building capacities for urban practitioners. It is funded by the European Regional Development Fund and Partner and Member States of the European Union since 2002.
Submitted by Matthew Snowden on