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Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
Inclusivity is key to the future development of our cities. Leading Eutropian, we have developed various strategies to support local administration in co-developing inclusive, sustainable and integrated plans with their local communities. We have done this is a wide range of activities ranging from urban regeneration, such as in the URBACT TUTUR Transfer Network (, dealing with digital communication, as in the URBACT Interactive Cities network (, in local economy, as in the Funding the Cooperative City project (, or in development of sustainable food systems, as in the Rethinking Markets project ( Prior to these experiences, I worked with the Planning Dept of the City of Rome to support the development of local strategies also with EU funds, I worked as a researcher for the Central European Institute of Technology ( in Austria where I was responsible for EU funded projects mainly related to Smart Cities and Citizens initiatives and I still am a Board Member of the Wonderland Platform for European Architecture (, being responsible for Collaborative Urban Planning Workshops around Europe. On top of my professional experience, I have pursued a Ph.D. in Technical University of Vienna, focusing on the Metropolitan Food Governance
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
There can be no direct copy&paste between different contexts. Having lived and worked in different countries (Italy, Portugal, United Kingdom and Austria) I am familiar with diverse planning cultures – an important knowledge for transnational work. When managing the URBACT-funded “TUTUR - Temporary Use as a Tool for Urban Regeneration” Transfer Network (, I supported the exchange activities between the Planning and Economic Development Departments of Bremen, Alba Iulia and Rome. More recently, being the Lead Expert of the Interactive Cities network, I have supported ten cities across Europe in developing their local Integrated Action Plans, designing a methodology that aimed at strengthening the transnational knowledge exchange between very different cities. When dealing with the i-SCOPE project (, developing a platform for integrated cartographic services for cities, I supported small and large municipalities in Austria, Italy, Serbia and Romania in developing their user requirements according to their needs and local conditions. Most of my professional work has been dealing with transnational exchange, therefore I have learnt how to design, manage and coordinate international activities amongst both institutional and non-institutional actors in Europe.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I am bilingual English and Italian and possess a CPE (Cambridge Proficiency in English). I have worked in English in the last five years in various countries and I have been publishing scientific articles related to my Doctoral Study topic and the projects I have been involved in. Apart from being fluent in British English, being half Italian allows me to be familiar with “International English” which is usually spoken by people from other European countries in most EU projects. Apart from being perfectly fluent in English and Italian, I also speak Spanish, Portuguese and German, therefore being able to communicate with partners also in their own language.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
Learning is a co-creative process. My expertise in international exchange and learning activities is the result of researching, practicing and teaching, which have fed into the Cooperative City Magazine on collaborative urban transformations ( To support learning processes it is important to calibrate activities according to the knowledge of the participants, the environmental conditions, the time constraints and the overall goal, hence different methods and tools can be applied. Such experiences require to be adequately designed, reported efficiently during the event and have a post-production that enables to share clear learning points. This has been the methodology we have carried out within our project, both within the URBACT framework as well as in other contexts.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Integrated Urban Renewal
Theme / Policy: 
Urban Strategic Planning
Theme / Policy: 
Sustainable Food
Summary Thematic expertise: 
My experience in sustainable food is framed within a vision for which food is a means for the promotion of health, for strengthening local economy, to pursue environmental actions and to include disadvantaged population. For this reason both my doctoral research and my professional work have focused on the inter-linkages between these different dimensions that are addressed through food systems. My Ph.D. thesis analysed the food systems and cycles in the metropolitan areas of Vienna and Rome, focusing on the impact of multi-stakeholder networks and EU funding streams on the urban-rural linkages. The project and publication Rethinking Markets ( researched on innovative models to manage markets and developed local guidelines for markets in Rome, based on the co-creation workshops with various stakeholders. As part of the Cooperative City magazine, I have curated a series of articles on food systems across Europe ( The inclusion of all the actors involved in the food process (from production to distribution, consumption and waste disposal) is fundamental to enable to development of effective food policies and strategies, being the goal the promotion of a circular economic process. This is essential in order to tackle great urban challenges such as food poverty in deprived areas, soil consumption because of housing speculation or employment, especially of youth.

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
In my experience I have been managing various projects in which the citizens’ active involvement and much as the co-creation aspects have been fundamental. Within the URBACT-funded TUTUR project ( I was responsible for the moderation of the process with the Local Support Group, for I which I prepared and coordinated all meetings and events. In my work with the Visually Impaired community in Vienna within the ARGUS project (, I was responsible for the involvement of the users in order to identify how mobility around the city could be improved, creating conditions for people with disabilities and decision makers to work together on possible solutions, which were also part of the Wiener Charta Agenda 21 meetings. The coordination of the participation processes and the moderation of the discussions has been a task I have been accustomed with in various project as I believe it is an essential element of the successful sustainability in time of the process.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
Monitoring the progress of work and the fulfilment of set goals in an essential aspect within project management that requires technical skills and motivation of partners: I first developed monitoring and evaluation skills when lecturing at university, as it was essential to have an overview of the over 70 students I had, taking into account not simply the achievement of the tasks but also the path done to get to it; Within the TUTUR project I was responsible for the coordination tasks and therefore defining with the partners which goals we would achieve by when and then assess also with the Lead Expert the progress, which was done by progress reports, regular partner skypes, project meetings and ad hoc conversations when necessary. Due to my serious project planning and my attempt to create a dialogue with partners, even if with tight scheduling, projects have always been fulfilled whilst also enjoying them.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
In my experience the most efficient way to keep up to date with state of the art in planning is on the one hand to be involved in concrete projects with real urban problems. This is done in practice through my professional work as a consultant, where my work at the City of Rome has offered interesting challenges, for which I had to constantly be up to date with local policies but also international good practices to bring innovation through. Within my Doctoral Research I am dealing with state of the art policies and good practices related to the topics of governance, landscape and metropolitan areas, which allow for a broader understanding of ongoing processes at local scale. The synergy between these two aspects allows me to be up to date with real local needs and be aware of what new approaches are being experimented internationally in order to tackle professional challenges.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
Collaborative Planning Workshops have a standard methodology I refer to but these always require adaptation to local needs and conditions. This was the case of the workshop developed in Kiev in May 2014, in which introducing concepts of co-creation in design appeared to be radically new but at the same time were embraced by local stakeholders with great enthusiasm and awareness; Within the TUTUR project, which was a Transfer Network of the Bremen policy on temporary uses, I was responsible for organising local trainings and seminars for the civil servants of the City of Rome, which required translation in terms of planning culture, customs and generational divide, reason why in some moments it helped to show how these practices were already happening in Italy and Rome, which resulted as a comforting feeling towards something new. Sincere dialogue and active involvement of a wide range of relevant stakeholders from the beginning of processes are essential aspects to the development of an effectively relevant local strategy, reason why it is essential for them to fully understand the issues at stake.
Summary Expertise: 
The core of my professional activity is to promote collaborative processes between stakeholders and the public administrations. I have a considerable experience within the URBACT framwork, thanks to the TUTUR and Interactive Cities networks, but also with the Jaspers Program of the European Investment Bank, with the Committee of the Regions and to some extent the Urban Innovative Actions projects. With the support of my multi-disciplinary team in Eutropian, we have supported municipalities and civic stakeholders in the development of their local strategies with a variety of means: videos, interviews, articles, reports, workshops, toolkits, site visits and many more.


Residence location:
English - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Unavailable - already performing the role of Lead Expert for an URBACT network

Area of expertise