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Patras Dissemination Event

Edited on

02 October 2018
Read time: 3 minutes

Participation, fruitful dialogue and interesting presentations on the local event for interculturalism and immigration management organized by the ADEP SA under ARRIVAL CITIES

 (18.12.2016, Patras, Greece)

The 18th December Patras celebrated the International Migrants Day by organizing the local event targeting awareness on "ARRIVAL CITIES" project. The action was implemented by “Patras Municipal Development Enterprise for Planning & Development-ADEP SA” (being the project partner organisation) at the auditorium of the new Archaeological Museum of Patras. Various representatives of education, culture, business, consulting, civil society sectors had the opportunity to find out more about "ARRIVAL CITIES" dealing with exchange of experience and mutual learning on migration and integration and how this project is linked with the intercultural strategy of the city of Patras.

The starting greeting speech was delivered by Mr. Andreas Antonopoulos, the President of ADEP SA being also the Media Representative of the municipal authority of Patras. He referred to the importance of democratic values for the functioning of society and the need to combat the causes of wars that lead people to uprooting. He noted the importance of open borders in the EU country level, taking into account the current needs of refugees. Transferring the greetings of the Mayor of Patras, Mr Kostas Peletides, he declared the commitment of the city in protecting human rights, respecting equality and building an open society for all.

This was followed by the speeches of Ms Alexopoulou Georgia - Ephorate of Antiquities of Achaea-EFA (Head of the Department of Prehistoric and Classical Archaeological Sites, Monuments, Museums and Research) emphasizing the diversity in ancient and modern societies. Pluralism in ancient and contemporary societies, education, awareness and respect for diversity were the reference points in her speech.

The connection of the diversity potential in Patras of Roman times, proved to be a wealth of information as pointed out by Mr. Ioannis Moschos, Archaeologist of EFA and trustee of the Archaeological Museum. He triggered responses of the audience through an interactive approach, providing examples from Roman Patras proving that multiculturalism in those times were dealt with in an open and extrovert manner, often missing now-days, from the way current societies, all over the world, manage the "other".

Mrs. Chrissa Geraga followed, being Head of the Planning Department and Networking of ADEP SA and local scientific coordinator of ARRIVAL CITIES in Patras, with a very focused presentation on the philosophy and actions of the project, the principles of participatory planning and the benefits of networking through information and exchange of good practices at transnational level. This is envisaged by the project, through the involvement of ten (10) cities across Europe [Dresden (DE), Messina (IT), Oldenburg (DE), Patras (GR), Riga (LV), Thessaloniki (GR), Val-de-Marne (FR), Vantaa (FI), Roquetas de Mar (ES)], coordinated by the Municipality of Amadora (Portugal).

In addition to the provision of knowledge and information, ARRIVAL CITIES prticipation provided the opportunity of designing a local action plan in the fields of education, culture, entrepreneurship, promotion equal opportunities and active civil society. This plan is an output of applying a participatory process through the contribution and active involvement of relevant local bodies that were invited to join this effort. For this regard, a proposed questionnaire was distributed for launching the consultation process.

The ESF actions (European Social Fund) of the Operational Programme of Region of "Western Greece" and the potential multiply of the expected results, were presented Mrs. Glykeria Katifori, member of the Managing Authority of the Region of Western Greece. She gave examples of their content, putting emphasis on vulnerable groups (where migrants are included as beneficiaries).

The event was moderated by Mr. Gerasimos Fessian highlighting points of interest and main conclusions of speeches.

Open discussion followed during which many participants expressed ideas and made initial proposals regarding the Local Action Plan, stating their intention for further cooperation, aiming at a society cohesive and open to pluralism and diversity.

In the beginning of 2017, the consultation mechanism will be further more activated by ADEP SA, in order a draft local action plan to be delivered by the beginning of September 2017.

It is noteworthy that the «ARRIVAL CITIES» project perfectly relates to the activation of Patras in the "Intercultural Cities-ICC" network of the Council of Europe and «ALDA : European Association of Local Democracy» where the city is an active member for many years now, trying to exploit the diversity advantage and also apply democratic values in practice.

This networking has been exploited by ADEP SA and ARRIVAL CITIES project has been presented on ICC and ALDA websites.

Additionally, ADEP SA will link ARRIVAL CITIES with another European project named «Tackling multiple discrimination in Greece: Delivering equality by active exploration and enabling policy interventions”. It is a newly approved project, funded by DG JUSTICE grants, led by National Centre for Social Research (EKKE) and ADEP SA is one of the partners.

Patras intends to continously exploit its own local, regional, national and international links, so that to achieve a multiplier effect on the dissemination and exploitation of «ARRIVAL CITIES» results.

(For more info, please contact: Chrissa GERAGA, «ARRIVAL CITIES» Patras Scientific Coordinator / email: / tel: +30-2610-361743, 746)
