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To increase sport participation in order to increase the connections at European level through solidarity, inclusion, health and skills.


  1. sport
  2. inclusion
  3. Youth

Main policy issue to be addressed in relation to the selected topics

CONTEXT: One of the most important challenges at local level is to reduce the effects of the abuse of technology, together with fighting against discrimination, bullying, working for integration of the youth in the community, facilitating the access to the sport fields and targeted groups in order to increase the tolerance, solidarity, unity, cohesion at local and European level. Ramnicu Sarat Municipality, connected with local NGO's, public institutions and other groups of initiatives, supported by the local Councillors, having also a Strategy of Youth (only 2 cities in Romania has), in order to increase the number of projects, events, meetings, workshops, local and European activities starting with sport and connecting all the other fields of the youth involvement in a community. SOLUTION: The focus should be also on changing the mentalities and getting our children of their boxes by learning, by doing, by being involved and taking attitude and iniative regarding the most important topics addressed for their situations. ACTIONS: The project will contain in: - Transnational meetings - Creation of a Common Action Plan - Building a strong network, including 7-10 European Partners - Implementing the action plan through local activities, projects and events - Promoting the results through printed materials and also in online - Generating and implementing common projects developed by youngsters from all the partners during meetings targeted on different topics.

Have you already been involved in an URBACT network?


Useful Information

TO: All the partners interested and eligible, communities focused on promoting sport and youth involvement.

In order to develop the project, we need partners or coordinators interested and motivated to cooperate in order to develop meetings, events, training, and all other activities in order to increase the participation of kids and youngsters in mass sports activities and in educational events, as a way for their personal and professional development, together with experts, instructors, and the responsible of the NGOs and community institutions. Ramnicu Sarat municipality.

Ramnicu Sarat municipality is ready to take part, as coordinator or partner to the implementation of projects with the role of involvement for youngsters, building local, regional and European bridges of cooperation and active participation.

Last modified:

29 January 2019

I am looking for

Project Partners
A Lead Partner
A Lead Expert

Candidate ID

Ramnicu Sarat city
Ramnicu Sarat
Type of region: 