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remove all the obstacles encountered by mid-sized cities in their digital journey


  1. Local and digital democracy
  2. Digital transition
  3. Smart city

Main policy issue to be addressed in relation to the selected topics

The project encompasses studies and the creation of an operational entity that will apply in real life the results of studies. This entity will act as a facilitator to provide concrete solutions to support mid-sized cities in their digital journey. The definition and implementation of this acceleration mechanism is based on 3 streams: 1. Business model study for an acceleration mechanism of the digitalisation of mid-sized cities o Benchmarking of city needs, legal structure for an acceleration mechanism, organization of a continuous digital monitoring o Coaching strategy for local animation o Intermediation of relationships between cities and solution providers o Creation of an adapted and sustainable business model for mid-sized cities 2. Technical study for the platform o Instantiation of a universal Fiware platform capable of engaging any smart city use case in any domain or subject o Interfacing it with interoperable standards defined at international level (TM Forum, Front Runner City) 3. Operational phase o Creation of an operational entity that implements the results of studies (technical and business model) o Extension of the entity operations to several cities in France and Europe (objective of about ten territories in the next 2 to 3 years)

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Useful Information

As the challenge is focused of the co-creation of sustainable and scalable business models taking into account specific needs and required for digital transition of mid-sized cities, the aim is to open-collaboration network limited to cities with small and medium size (less than 100.000 inhabitants). While Saint Quentin is a medium-sized city of 56.000 inhabitants, located in the North of France, it is active on the international level. The city is member of Open & Agile Smart Cities, acts as a local digital innovation hub, and cooperates in a co-innovation program with TM Forum, the telecoms association, to define standards for City as a Platform paradigm. This co-innovation international program addresses the technical part of the challenge with the ambition to create the best framework feasible for developing a scalable, interoperable and universal platform to support cities in their digital journey

Last modified:

13 February 2019

I am looking for

Project Partners
A Lead Partner
A Lead Expert

Candidate ID

Ville de Saint-Quentin
Type of region: 