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Innovative, sustainable and social responsible procurement of roadworks and constructions


  1. Procurement
  2. Sustainable
  3. Innovation

Main policy issue to be addressed in relation to the selected topics

As a city, Haarlem aims to procuring green, fair and circular. We have signed the Green Deal from the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management that strives to make sustainability an inherent aspect of roadworks and infrastructure. The city is working hard to transition into a gas free city with a circular economy in which cooperation between businesses, government, knowledge institutions and citizens ensures we work effectively, innovatively and sustainably. We aim to make full potential of the knowledge and innovation capacity existing within private businesses. We have broad experience with market consultations before and during the tendering process and with collaborating with our contracting parties on the realisation of sustainability goals. By doing this, we stimulate the local and regional economy, and SME’s towards becoming sustainable and fair. For example, in the existing contracts, constructors are obliged to realise certain goals, yet are free in choosing the method of implementation within the given framework. Within this framework, organisational goals of the city are included: Collaboration with the city and its inhabitants; • Focus on sustainability, climate adaptation and the circular economy; • Being (cost) efficient; • Corporate Social Responsibility; • Political awareness. Over the years, Haarlem has built a great network of (European) partners and experts in innovative public procurement.

Have you already been involved in an URBACT network?


Useful Information

The city of Haarlem is looking for project partners to form an URBACT action planning network around innovative and sustainable public procurement of roadworks. Haarlem will be lead partner of this partnership that will exchange knowledge on the procurement of sustainable roadworks that are built from materials that contribute to a closed energy and materials chain and can adjust to the effects of climate change in an urbanized area.

Last modified:

23 February 2021

I am looking for

Project Partners
A Lead Expert

Candidate ID

Type of region: 
More developed