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Creating vital, inclusive cities using sport and physical activity to connect citizens.


  1. Social Cohesion
  2. sport
  3. Local community inclusion and participation

Main policy issue to be addressed in relation to the selected topics

Creating vital, inclusive cities is one the main challenges that European Cities are faced with. Evidence shows alarming statistics of an ever increasing rate of social distrust, disconnectedness and multicultural disintegration. Underlying these challenges is the need for a better connection and interaction between citizens. One of the means that have been advocated to stimulate connections between citizens of different ages, ethnicities and social class are sport and physical activity. Whether it is jointly walking or biking to explore the city, playing soccer and netball to win a game, group physical activities and sport provide a low threshold opportunity to create a broader social network and a common identity. The aim of this project is thus to develop an integrated Action Plan to tackle social integration through physical activity and sport. But social inclusion requires a differentiated approach for different groups. Older people suffering from loneliness need a different approach than people with a migration background who recently moved to the city. However, the lack of a social network is in many cases the driver of the real problem. Therefore this project wants to include different project partners that deal with different needs and problems that are linked with using sport and physical activity as a mean to create a more vital and inclusive city.

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Useful Information

We are looking for other project partners that want to develop an integrated action plan of social integration through sport and physical activity. Specific needs of cities can be:
a) connecting older people suffering from loneliness through sport and physical activity
b) connecting youth through sport and physical activity
c) connecting ethnic cultural minorities through sport and physical activity
d) connecting refugees through sport and physical activity
e) connecting people from lower social class through sport and physical activity

Last modified:

28 February 2019

I am looking for

Project Partners
A Lead Expert

Candidate ID

City of Bruges
Type of region: 
More developed