- TO8 - Promoting employment and supporting labour mobility
Main policy issue to be addressed in relation to the selected topics
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Useful Information
Having a direct contact with citizens and in-depth knowledge of local social, cultural and economic dynamics, cities can play an important role in changing this situation, promoting a society in which all citizens participate in the labour market and profit from economic benefits.
Network’s aim is to design opportunity and create good conditions to promote a more active role of women in the business world, developing in particular the following elements:
- study, work and test support services that cities can make available for an active role of women in the business world;
- awareness actions to communicate the great potential and the opportunities given by a higher level of female employment;
- promote positive models of women and work promoting a new education of girls that overcomes traditional social roles and stereotypes;
- rethink the strategies for approaching women to work, starting from the education of girls and life-long-learning approaches for adults;
- increase female participation in STEM disciplines, both in education and in the workplace, networking different subjects who share the same goals.