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Propose a model of collaboration between different peoples to face together the challenges of the global economic crisis and defuse xenophobia.


  1. 3. Social innovation
  2. Migrants
  3. employment social and education

Main policy issue to be addressed in relation to the selected topics

Agrigento is one of the main ports of the Mediterranean where the great migratory flows arrive. A lively African community is active in the city but it is not related to the local population. At the same time the city suffers from high levels of youth unemployment and the new generations are in turn forced to emigrate to find work. The idea is to establish a training school for work and ethnic integration to teach the Italian and African communities to work together to get out of the poverty that affects them both. The innovative experiment will be carried out thanks to the intervention of the Onlus Action Aid in collaboration with the Municipality of Agrigento and follows the guidelines of the European Agenda 2020. This model of social innovation has all the potential to become a reference at European level.

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Useful Information

Our ideal partners are all the communities that want to curb racism and promote a culture of work and cooperation between different ethnic groups

Last modified:

16 April 2019

I am looking for

Project Partners
A Lead Expert

Candidate ID

Action Aid
Type of region: 
Less developed