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From gray infrastructure to in the green infrastructure


  1. Urban planning
  2. Urban regeneration
  3. Urban mobility

Main policy issue to be addressed in relation to the selected topics

Activate a continuous comparison on the themes of the ecological planning approach, a new vision of the territorial project (the ecological vision of a project), on the landscape / ecological conception of the municipal territorial plan, on the green infrastructures as instruments of environmental protection and enhancement of the public spaces, on green infrastructures as a territorial cohesion project, and finally on the theme of what possible integration between territory, ecology and landscape. Themes Considered as decisive elements for the enhancement of the city, also in order to elaborate widespread planning.

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Useful Information

The Marche Region is an Italian public authority. Given the importance of its caltural heritage sector and the massive presence of eccelence in its territory, Marche Region administration is called at working closer to local public authority companies on common urban challenges and improvement. In particular it is planning a bike lane green infrastructure.
In this framework, Marche Region is looking for cities that are interested and willing to work together on this issue involving their gray infrastructure.

Last modified:

18 March 2019

I am looking for

Project Partners
A Lead Partner

Candidate ID

Marche Region
Marche Region
Type of region: 
More developed