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Intervene in riverside fronts and ecological corridors, as an impulse for the environmental, landscape and cultural requalification of the territories


  1. Spatial planning
  2. environment
  3. historical heritage

Main policy issue to be addressed in relation to the selected topics

Territories with an important pre-industrial and industrial legacy and with patrimonial resources of historical and cultural interest have unique characteristics that translate into a relevant identity value and still a great diversity of landscapes. At present they are underutilized, being decisive that, through an update of functions, the regeneration and requalification of the built fabrics, the recovery of green spaces of great diversity, landscape and environmental value, continue to perform economic functions. Creating a balanced, sustainable, resilient and climate-adapted urban ecosystem, articulated with ecological systems. We intend to elaborate "Action Plans" that, in an integrated and systemic way, stimulate a multidisciplinary and widely participated work model. Increase the recognition and awareness of local resources (territories and stakeholders) and find the means for an adequate implementation, acting at various scales and around a strategic goal of the territory and the region.

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Useful Information

We intend to find cities, municipalities or regions with riverside fronts to requalify from the territorial and environmental point of view, and where the presence of natural and patrimonial resources of relevance to the territory and to the region persist.

Last modified:

29 January 2019

I am looking for

Project Partners
A Lead Partner
A Lead Expert

Candidate ID

Barreiro Municipality
Type of region: 
More developed