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The aim of the project is to create a European network of family friendly cites and make this initiative as a city branding in European Union.


  1. Demographics
  2. city-branding
  3. Social innovation; Healthy Aging; Urban secure environment

Main policy issue to be addressed in relation to the selected topics

The aim of the project is to create a European network of family friendly cites and make this initiative as a city branding in EU. It is important for every city to ensure that families living in it are provided with all necessary qualitative living (for example, services, infrastructure, environmental quality, etc) Strong and prosper families are the source of economical development. Providing sustainable family-friendly environment is particularly important in small and medium-sized cities, as it is an essential prerequisite for families to choose to live in small and medium-sized cities, which have faced a decline in population in recent years. In the framework of the project, each city will develop an integrated, sustainable action plan to make their cities family-friendly. Proposals will be developed based on the developed action plans and good experiences of cities for development of common EU evaluation system for the "Family-friendly Cities". So far, in some EU countries, activities have been carried out to assess and highlight family-friendly cities. The aim of the EU pilot project would be to combine existing practices and to develop a common EU evaluation system for the "Family-friendly Cities". Future objectives: Development of international criteria for evaluating family friendly municipality International competition according to common criteria Regulations on the condition of qualification as a Family-friendly city Quality marks/certification

Have you already been involved in an URBACT network?

As Project Partner

Useful Information

You are invited to take part in this project, if you are interested in the fostering demographic politics in your municipality as well as in promotion of your achievements in this field at the European level. Any kind of partners are welcome!
Project activities:
Member states, regional and local authorities with existing experience and initiatives establish common pilot mechanism for monitoring and evaluation of family friendly municipality on EU level.
Exchange experience and best practices regarding the approaches how monitoring and evaluation of family friendly municipality have been carried out in different countries and at different levels.
Working methods:
Baseline studies in each partner city
Study visits in partner cities
International meetings with project management experts and additional experts
Local action group meetings

Last modified:

28 February 2019

I am looking for

Project Partners
A Lead Expert

Candidate ID

Daugavpils City Council
Type of region: 
Less developed