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Energy effciency
Capacity building
In cooperation with La Rochelle and Zargoza Vivienda.


  1. Energy efficiency

Main policy issue to be addressed in relation to the selected topics

Develop an integrated action plan for sustainable and energy efficient public buidlings The city of Umeå wants to make the municipal buildings more sustainable which is needed for the already decided long-term target of a fossil fuel free city by 2040. By getting relevant information and feedback from a group of adequate stakeholders the plan is to create an integrated action plan in line with the local revised environmental targets. The action plan is in this stage thought to focus on 5 areas: energy efficiency, energy savings in buildings by behavior change, digitalization, indoor comfort/quality and renewable energy production (eg. solar energy).

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Useful Information

City of Umeå current situation
City of Umeå manages approx. 930 000 sqm of built area with an average energy consumption of approx. 176 kWh/sqm, year. The goal for 2020 is to reduce the energy use down to 165 kWh/sqm, year or by approx. 6 % from 2015 baseline level which is a challenge. Umeå is currently working on revising the local environmental targets and in March/April 2019 they
Challenges we see need to be tackeld.
•Several different target groups are using the municipal buildings, finding good tools and methods for effective communication between end users and management.
•A big variation of different operations in municipal buildings with different needs and demands.
•Experience sharing from end users of buildings (bottom up approach) for improvements of renovations and new buildings.
•Energy is abstract and not visible. Convenience and difficulties in energy saving.
•Reduce energy costs for the municipality buildings
•Financial aids, and effective utilization of aids/subsidies.
•Consensus and long-term approach when it is not the same people who build and manage
•Energy question on the agenda for all parties/stakeholders
•Knowledge about targets both short and long term,
•Increase energy efficiency with preserved or improved indoor quality
Umeå municipality as owner of the building stock has the full responsibility of improvements of the buildings for reducing their climate impact, improve the indoor quality/comfort and reduce the cost of operation.

Last modified:

18 March 2019

I am looking for

A Lead Expert

Candidate ID

City of Umeå
Type of region: 
More developed