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The aim of the project - to create an experience exchange based action plan for the development of a CBL approach nature science-based education.


  1. Education
  2. competence based learning approach
  3. nature and science

Main policy issue to be addressed in relation to the selected topics

Jurmala City (57 145 inhabitants) is the only resort city in Latvia. Jurmala is famous for its natural healing resources – mild climate, sea and healthy air, medical mud and spring waters. The use of natural resources is important in many economic sectors, and as Jurmala (expecialy city part - Kemeri) is rich of the natural resources, nature education (subjects - geography, chemistry, physics, and biology) has been identified as a priority in our city. Currently national level education system reorganization is being elaborated – the new approach will be based on that called competence based learning (CBL). According to current situation in local level (Jurmala city) education system – insufficient material, technical and knowledge base is not efficient – it’s impossible to achieve good results. Evaluating opportunities that new education approach will provide – we want to be prepared to introduce new approach in to local level education system. Providing all educational institutions with a modern and high-quality learning aid base is inefficient and expensive. Using the integrated territorial investment approach city is working on Kemeri area revitalization that includes infrastructure development and development of “Kemeri Nature Education Centre” in 2021.

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Useful Information

One of the directions in “Kemeri Nature Education Centre” will be the nature education training centre that will provide school-age children and youngsters with opportunity to acquire nature education practical skills in a modern and qualitative way and encourage the interest and motivation of students to learn natural sciences. The ambition is to integrate the education programme implemented by “Kemeri Nature Education Centre” into the curriculum of educational institutions, and this requires changes in local education system.
CBL approach allows students to advance based on their ability to master a skill or competency at their own pace regardless of environment.
Mainly as a key to success, it is planned to combine subjects, i.e. by explaining that physics does not start and does not end in the physics cabinet or chemistry - in the chemistry cabinet, on the contrary, the content to be mastered overlays all subjects of natural sciences. Therefore the target groups will develop such skills as self-guidance and self-management; thinking and creativity; cooperation and participation; digital skills. Being unable to provide knowledge in a way that is understandable to youngsters, there is a risk that the level of knowledge in nature science subjects will decrease, as will the interest of young people in exact sciences, which will lead to an increasing shortage of professionals in related industries.

Last modified:

26 February 2019

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Project Partners
A Lead Partner

Candidate ID

Jurmala City Council
Type of region: 
Less developed