Participation work in Space4People - in a nutshell, so to speak
Edited on
22 August 2022This reader gives some examples on how the Space4People local work group engaged in participation of stakeholders and the public. Taking part in an URBACT network clearly outlines to drive an integrated planning process. One that integrated different policy fields, the wide set of public and private interest carriers as well as governance structure at horizontal and vertical level.

There are definite blueprints at hand how to do this, but these mostly became invalid with the rise of the COVID19 pandemic. Which created a deadlock to in-person activities for large parts of the network lifetime. And created problems to achieve one of the most important aspects of participation: to have representation from all stakeholder groups that are involved in urban policy: young people, the elderly, neighbours, immigrants, women, man, businesses, commercial areas, health centres, educational centres, municipal councillors, and many more.
With our reader on Participation work in Space4People, we would like to give you a glimpse on how our cities coped with this and how they exploited the options for in-person interactions at times it got legally and socially accepted again. And some lessons learnt from our work with participation.
We hope that the reader on some of our co-creative activities, use of surveys and the merits of direct talks are useful when you think on how to set up involvement of stakeholders and population groups.
Your Space4People team
Please click HERE for the reader!
Submitted by Claus Kollinger on