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Participate in EGTC project final conference

Edited on

09 October 2017
Read time: 1 minute

More than 60 cross-border conurbations have been identified in Europe. They represent almost 25 million people. Astride two or even three borders, they are places where "European citizenship" is lived day-by-day by the inhabitants. It is fundamental for them to define “governance models” enabling to bring together all relevant stakeholders, public and private, from each side of the border, and to implement common work programmes. EGTC project (Expertising Governance for Transfrontier Conurbations) has been working on these issues for two years. This URBACT project will be presenting its results on May 6th and 7th 2010 in Esztergom in Hungary during the project Final Conference.

The cross-border agglomeration partners of the EGTC project, aimed to exchange on methods and tools to improve their governance, including the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation. During the last two years, they have exchanged on internal governance issues and the means to involve civil society, assessing their needs, identifying best practices and the concrete measures they would develop to improve their governance: the local action plan is the main output of the project partners.

On 6 May (afternoon), the partners will deliver the conclusions they have come to at the end, and will launch, on 7 May (morning), a European network of EGTCs and Euroregional Cooperation Groupings (ECGs, a new instrument created by the Council of Europe) to give continuity to these exchanges and to enlarge it to other partners.

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