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Participate to EGTC first Thematic seminar on March 12, 2009

Edited on

09 October 2017
Read time: 1 minute


"The Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière (MOT), Lead Partner of the "EGTC" URBACT project, is pleased to invite you to the First Thematic seminar of the "EGTC" project  on "Cross-border conurbations: Empowering internal governance". This meeting  will take place on Thursday, the 12th of March 2009 in Chaves, Portugal  (Auditório do Centro Cultural de Chaves) at the invitation of the City of Chaves.
EGTC (Expertising Governance for Transfrontier Conurbations) is a project dedicated to networking cross-border conurbations in Europe on the topic of governance. It involves the MOT as Lead Partner and six cross-border conurbations. More than 60 cross-border conurbations have been identified in Europe. They represent almost 25 million people. Astride two or even three borders, they are places where "European citizenship" is lived day-by-day by the inhabitants. It is fundamental for them to define "governance models" enabling to bring together all relevant stakeholders, public and private, from each side of the border, and to implement common work programmes. The EGTC project aims to support cross-border conurbations to define their governance models, identify best practices and exchange experiences at European level. Workshops, Plenary sessions, debates, site visits of the Cross-border projects of the Eurocidade Chaves-Verín are all on the programme throughout the one-day seminar. Read more:

  • EGTC - URBACT website
  • - PDF
  •  - Word document
