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Ad-Hoc Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
In my career, I had two main periods marked by the two research centres where I worked. The first one (2006-2008) in Italy, and it was related with my activity as researcher in Laboratorio Urb&Com (Planning and Retail Management Research Group) of Politecnico di Milano. At the same time I collaborate as cartographic consultant in the research activity of Laboratorio (based on retail planning) I get into the teaching activity as TA. The second period was in Spain (2008-2014) and it is related to my role in the Instituto Universitario de Urbanística, the research centre of the Valladolid University where I had my PhD. I had the occasion to get involved in numerous projects about urban and regional planning, most of them based on an integrated approach and with a focus on sustainability. Among other, I participated as consultant in 2012 in the “Estudio técnico de soporte para un pacto sobre la ordenación territorial en Castilla y León” was aimed at rethinking the services provision for rural and low density areas (and today is the basis for the services organization of the CyL Regional Council), and the “PRICyL – Plan de Rehabilitación Integral de Castilla y León” was the application of the principles of integrated rehabilitation –contained in the Carta de Toledo- to 15 real cases. In 2014-2015, returned in Milan, I was involved in the assestement process for the elaboration of the Milano Food Policy, developed by the Associazione Está for the Milan City Council.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
As PhD candidate in a foreign country and as researcher and consultant of different research centres, I used to be part of international networks. During all my career, I developed an interest on the transnational exchange, and I tried to act as interface, connecting through my work the institution I belong and national and international networks. However, this exchange of knowledge and research experiences should work in two directions: (i) From inside to outside: I pushed my work out from academia, creating contacts with public (as Spanish and Italian Regional Authorities) and private foundations (as Fondazione Cariplo) and to rise funding for my academic activities. Another result was the invitation of several colleagues to coordinate a proposal for the 16th EU COST collection date, and the recent check for my availability from the EU COST Committee to act as external expert in the process of evaluation of new proposals. (ii) From outside to inside I think my expertise as Tutor and teacher in European Schools of architecture can be an important driver in the process of the internationalization of tmy expertise. At the same time I used to take part in two European networks of young researchers (YA Aesop) and planners, architects and policy makers (NG - New Generations) which helped me to keep in contact with other early careers scholars, following new trends and taking part in to their regular activities and online initiatives and debates.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I learned English after the high school attending to courses and with individual lessons, and I achieved the proficency in IELTS in 2012 and 2014. During the PhD I stayed in London to the University College of London – CASA, Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis for four months, in 2012 and since this moment I worked manly in English, writing reports, teaching at University and presenting and attending conferences. For example this year, collaborating for the course ‘Contemporary Cities’ with Ali Madani Pour in the MS in Planning in Politecnico, we have 105 students form more than 20 different countries and the English language is the only way to connect this different and heterogeneous background.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Urban Strategic Planning
Summary Thematic expertise: 
My background is both academic and operational and this double approach is a strong point of my profile. After my graduation (BS and MS) in Italy, I collaborated with Laboratorio Urb&Com, a research cluster with a strong sectorial focus on the relationship between retail and planning. After 2008, keeping a strong relationship with this group, I started my collaboration with in the Instituto Universitario de Urbanística. In this period I introduce the strategic aspect on my approach and through my relationship with my Mentor, Prof. Juan Luis de las Rivas, I could develop it in several application at the regional and urban scale. Thanks to this collaboration, I enriched my study of these places with a focus on their socio-economic and spatial contexts and including several scales of analysis (Paris, 2014; Morandi and Paris, 2015 and 2013). Another key moment was in 2012, when I stayed as Visiting researcher at CASA of UCL-The Bartlett (UK). Collaborating with Andrew Hudson-Smith and Mike Batty, I had the chance to improve my skills in space analysing through a mix of advanced statistical methods, GIS and innovative mapping tools and I applied this knowledge to the topic of clusters. In the last two years, I used to work in Italy and collaborating with different centres and clusters, I develop a strong collaboration with several local authorities. I am a researcher, and I work supporting, advising and providing services to municipalities and local authorities in planning

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
In the Instituto Universitario de Urbanística, different collaborations with local and regional authorities (PGOU Valladolid, Directrices de Ordenaciçon Territorial de Castilla y León have been the basis to create a solid interaction and in 2009, I collaborated with Juan Luis de las Rivas, the coordinator of the PRAUs (Planes Regionales de Actuación de Urbanización) a program awarded in 2012 with the 9th European Urban and Regional Planning Award. The aim of the program was the re-activation of investments in social housing, with a special attention to the quality of the projects and the relationships with the existing cities ( I have been one of the redactors of the report “Criterios de calidad sostenible” ( it was a tool for developers and a reference for those administrations of Castilla y León which want create a policy for social housing. After this first step, I had a role of consultant of several city councils and municipalities in developing these new kinds of strategies
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
My experience in integrated design of urban strategies and policies is strongly related with my work as consultant; in this kind of tasks I am called to assess and improve actions and decision from local authorities, as in the case of PRICyL – Plan/Programa de Rehabilitación Integral de Castilla y León (E). Urban renewal (Rehabilitación urbana) is a trend based on public actions in planning and urban housing. The main reference is the Leipzig Charter on sustainable European cities (EU, 2007), adopted within the informal reunion about Urban Development and Territorial cohesion aimed at: (i) using the tool of integrated urban development and the related governance for its implementation (ii) establishing any necessary framework at national level (iii) promoting the establishment of balanced territorial organisation based on a European polycentric urban structure One of the most important strategies to achieve the integrated policy of urban development is related with a new interest to deprived neighbourhood inside the context of the city. In this document they never speak using the terms ‘rehabilitation’ or ‘renewal’, and just in a case they mention the idea of ‘renovation of the housing stock’ as opportunity to improve the energy efficiency. During the following Informal Ministry meeting, which took place in Toledo, (2010), they approved a declaration on urban development. The declaration recognizes the importance of the work on the existing city, from different points of views (social, productive, urban) and underlining the role of the city as a complex system. During the last 25 years, the urban regeneration in Spain has evolved, with its concepts and its tools. In the 90’s the double pressures of EU policies and the decentralization enlarged the field of work, and the deprived areas of the consolidated city became another space of action, with the historical cores of the city. I had the occasion to collaborate in the creation of the PRICyL as a strategic tool at regional scale, aimed at activating a public policy about rehabilitation of housing stock in the framework of the Regional strategy of social housing. At the same time the PRICyL wants be a tool to improve the sustainable development, working on the existing city, avoiding land waste and reactivating greyfields and brownfields. The integrated rehabilitation has an incredible potential in stimulating the social, economic, environmental quality of urban spaces, and it creates opportunities to improve built spaces and especially the housing stock. My work on this program was aimed at create two kinds of indicators. In the analysis phase, I propose to use four data (growth of population in 1991-2010, age average of population, unemployment rate, and age of building) to create a synthetic indicator and mapping the deprived areas of the region and, for the city with more than 20.000 inhabitants, the deprived neighbourhoods. Once defined these area of actions, I elaborated a grid to assess projects of rehabilitation, in which we consider the area of interventions, the actors involved, the amount of the investments attracted and the expected social, economic and environmental impacts. It was an attempt to assess the proposed solutions and not to finance existing problems. In the last four years the program has been approved from the Regional Authority, and the indicators I developed are currently a part of the mandatory material asked to those areas which are involved in rehabilitation projects in Castilla y León.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
Nowadays, I work in the Politecnico di Milano, one of the most important research clusters in planning and urban studies in Europe. The everyday contact with a number of scholars, teachers and researcher in the field of urbanism and planning allows me to keep up to date about the different topics related to the sustainable urban development. The DASTU – Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani is a dynamic and competitive environment, a space of comparison where the continuous dialog between different trends and concepts permits to improve the background of every component. At the same time, every experience during the past years has been useful for me, to improve my skills and my approach as expert in the field. Among others, I belong to the SIU - Societá Italiana Urbanisti, another important network which organizing meetings, reunions and publish reports and studies about innovations in planning and it is another way to get update on the subject. From the international point of view, I used to take part in two European networks of young researchers (YA Aesop) and planners, architects and policy makers (NG - New Generations) which helped me to keep in contact with other early careers scholars, following new trends and taking part in to their regular activities (as the NG Festival, where I participated as invited) and online initiatives and debates (
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
local realities During the las 8 years, my experiences as itinerant researcher, teacher and consultant trained me to be flexible and interactive with places and people: two key factors to learn in adapt tools and content to local realities, as I usually do with the methodology of spatial analysis I developed for my research about retail poles. With the help of Prof. Andrew Hudson-Smith -my tutor at UCL Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis-. I developed a system of indicators (based on quantitative focus on movement of goods, data and people) in order to detect which clusters of central functions act as pole in metropolitan areas. I use Foursquare App data to show that clusters are important attractor of users/consumers. At the same time, I overlap this first outcomes with other socio-economic data, as the employment rate in third sector, or recent demographic changes in the region. As I said, this operation is aimed at understand (i) the spatial distribution of those clusters and (ii) several effects of their presence. In order to achieve those two targets I add information using existing geodatabases on several central functions as retail (malls and retail parks), culture & entertainment (universities, multiplex, cultural campuses and theme parks), and tertiary (companies headquarters, technological campuses, etc.). I have applied this methodology on different cases on Europe (Milano metropolitan region and Valladolid emergent urban area, but I am working on the Region of Brussels and the Great Paris) and in every case I had to shape new strategies for producing data, and making outcomes comparable. This experience drives me through the idea that nowadays is important to be adaptable, to face off differences and difficulties in transnational comparisons. At the same time is important to keep related with coherent and strong principles, in order to bring some specific approach –a sort of point of view- to the process.
Summary Expertise: 
During my work inside the Instituto Universitario de Urbanística (2008-2014), I had a role of consultant of several city councils and municipalities in developing these new kinds of strategies. My experience in integrated design of urban strategies and policies is strongly related with this work as consultant; in this kind of tasks I am called to assess and improve actions and decision from local authorities. Nowadays, I work in the Politecnico di Milano, one of the most important research clusters in planning and urban studies in Europe. The everyday contact with a number of scholars, teachers and researcher in the field of urbanism and planning allows me to keep up to date about the different topics related to the sustainable urban development. The DASTU – Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani is a dynamic and competitive environment, a space of comparison where the continuous dialog between different trends and concepts permits to improve the background of every component.


Residence location:
Italian - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise