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Ad-Hoc Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
- I hold a bachelor's degree in Business and Administration, a Master Degree in Economics and Management, and a Doctorate in Economics and Management. All these educational programs provide me with the basis to understand and develop plans for sustainable urban development. - As a researcher of the University of Zaragoza, I take part in research projects about the improvement of the city’s image and the development of the city as a smart city. - In the last year in high school (2001), I participated in the forum FOROIDEA, a national debate competition with high schools, which addressed the question of compatibility between companies’ profits and sustainable development.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
- Experience as a speaker in national and international research conferences - Participation in international Workshops about different topics related to the marketing discipline - International seminars in academic institutions - Two research and teaching stays (2009 and 2012) at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) - In high school, I participated in in the Euroscola Programme of the European Parliament which is a unique event for schools to learn about European integration. Students from the EU Member States are selected to become a Member of the European Parliament for one day at the Parliament's premises in Strasbourg. They take the floor in plenary and committee sessions to debate and vote on resolutions on current affairs, all the while practising their language skills and making friends with fellow students from across Europe. Teachers also have the opportunity to meet their colleagues and exchange and feedback about their own classroom practices and experiences.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
- As a researcher, I am proficient in reading research articles from international journals, I have written several research papers for highly reputed, peer-reviewed international journals, and I frequently attend to international conferences (at least twice a year) in which English is the natural language of communication. - My PhD has the European mention. To get this distinction, I wrote a summary of the dissertation of 200 pages in English. In addition, the act of defence was in English. - I have made two stays in Leuven (Belgium) where Flemish is the native language. Given that I cannot speak Flemish, I could communicate with my colleagues and with people living in the city in English. Moreover, during my second stay (from February to April, 2012), I gave several 2-hour lectures in the KU Leuven. - In the University of Zaragoza (Spain) I teach marketing courses for business students in English. The University launched a degree in Business and Administration in English two years ago. I have been teaching in this degree since then. - Every year I take several English courses to improve my skills, such as pronunciation courses, oral speech courses, or how to perform teaching activities in English. - TYE free test of the Cambridge English Language Assessment: score of 22 out of 25 (equivalent to a level of Advanced-Proficiency) - Although my English skills can be largely proven, this September I will do an exam to obtain the Proficiency level in English officially.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Research, Innovation and Knowledge Economy
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I have expertise in theaching and conducting market research to better understand the individuals' perceptions, motivations, and behaviours. I have the skills to carry out "state of the art" reports, as well as to design, analyse, and interpret the results of surveys and different types of qualitative and quantitative research techniques.


Residence location:
Spanish - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise