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Oldenburg inagurates the new year with several workshops and events

Edited on

02 October 2018
Read time: 2 minutes

In the first four months of 2017 the City of Oldenburg organized three wider dissemination events, continuing the consultation process started in September 2016.

“Shaping Oldenburg together” is a public participation project dedicated to Oldenburgers of any background, volunteers and professionals who like working together on the draft of the Local Action Plan for integration of migrants and refugees. Focus topics are “Labour Market and Work”, “Accomodation and Social Cooperation”, “Language and Intercultural Communication” and “Intercultural Learning and Education”. 

In the framework of this consultation process on January 20th the Oldenburg ULG held the first public workshop which was attended by more than 60 citizens and stakeholders.




„On March 6th the Oldenburg ULG held the second public workshop that seen the participation of more than 70 persons. The aim of the workshop was to outline specific goals and indicators for the focus topics, based on an inventory of Oldenburg’s strengths and weaknesses regarding the integration projects that were worked out in the first workshop in January.

On April 24th the Oldenburg ULG held the third public workshop with nearly 60 participants. The aim of the workshop was collecting ideas for specific steps and activities that are both realistic and that help to achieve the goals for the LAP, which have been defined in the previous workshop. Even though several steps and activities have been brought up in each work group, overall feeling was that there had been too little time. So, deviating from the original plan, there probably will be another date for each work group to finalize their results.