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Edited on

17 January 2017
Read time: 2 minutes

The “Conseil départemental du Val-de-Marne”, along with the members of its Urbact Local group (ULG) decided to bear their commitment to the values ​​of justice, solidarity and human rights during the month of the International Solidarity Week. Indeed, they aimed at valuing the identity of Val-de-Marne’s territory which is built on the migratory paths of its inhabitants.During this month Migration theme and “Arrival Cities Network” project objectives were highlighted in the framework of different local events: a citizens consultation, a local event to launch one of the main actions of the axis “Social cohesion and living together” of Val-de-Marne’s ULG Local Action Plan which aims at raising awareness and is part of national campaign to fight against prejudices “Migrants and diasporas voices: tearing down ten received ideas on the link between migrations and development”.

1)      November 10th  2016 at the UNESCO in Parislaunch of the national “Migrants and diasporas voices: tearing down ten received ideas on the link between migrations and development”, main awareness actions of Val-de-Marne’s ULG Local Action Plan

Sometimes ideas are so widespread that we forget to question them and they end up justifying behaviors, individual or collective strategies and even certain policies. The part (most of the times faint) of truth included in every received idea is very far from the truth!

A great discrepancy persists between the perception and the reality of migrations as well as their positive link with the development of territories of origin, transit or reception. Fears about migrants are based on an apprehension of the phenomenon as a potential threat to the economic, social and, more importantly, to the individuals, in terms of identity.

By stigmatizing part of the population, this approach jeopardizes the values ​​of equality, solidarity, social cohesion and human rights. The reversal of this tendency has become urgent and it can only be envisaged by the deconstruction of such perceptions (myths) and through a speech of truth about migration.

During this launching event, Ms. Mahmoudi, Val-de-Marne’s ULG local coordinator for "Arrival Cities Network”, presented the project, its partners, its stakes, its modalities and its final objective which is the constitution of an integrated local action plan.

Ms. Mahmoudi explained that by joining this campaign Val-de-Marne’s ULG purpose will be to deconstruct10 “myths” by leading various local actions to raise awareness and education for citizenship, which is a strong focus of Val-de-Marne’s  local action plan. Actions will be lead for instance in schools, during consultations, during the current activities of the Val-de-Marne’s ULG members…

More than a hundred people participated to this launching event on Thursday the 10th of November 2016 at UNESCO in Paris.


2)      November 12th  at the Theater Jean Vilar in Vitry-sur-Seine: local consultation of international solidarity organizations and migrants international solidarity organizations

The local consultation took place at the Theater Jean Vilar in Vitry-sur-Seine. The main topics treated were: migration issues, prejudices, the involvement of local actors and stakeholders and expectations for a local integrated action plan.

Discussions focused on citizen’s commitment and engagement and on the desire to act together for the freedom and dignity of human beings in a world of solidarity.

The participants to this local consultation were elected representatives from the “Conseil départemental du Val-de-Marne” and from Val-de-Marne Municipalities, Youth Associations, International Solidarity Associations, Migrant Organizations and citizens/inhabitants of Val-de-Marne.

A round table formed with de Mr.Atta (Administrator of the FORIM), Mr..Ndiyae (Representative of the Departement of KaolaK Sénégal) Mr. Duthuille (Association « Indepen(danse ») and Mrs Fatiha Aggoune Vice-president of the Conseil départemental du Val-de-Marne in charge of Migrants rights and Val-de-Marne’s ULG elected representative for Arrival Cities Network project launched the consultation.

Participants shared their experiences, key policies they would like to see evolved, highlighted the importance of taking into account their expectations in a local integrated action plan. Key actions were raised.


3)      November 16th at the Immigration Museum in Paris: Participation to the event organized by the Ministry of Culture

For the 4th year, the Ministry of Culture (General Delegation of the French Language and Languages ​​of France) organized an event to highlight the actions carried out within the territories.

This year, for the first time, local authorities have been honored for their involvement in the recognition of the languages ​​of immigration and the promotion of French.

The Conseil départemental du Val-de-Marne was invited to present:

-        The involvement of local and regional authorities in the consideration of linguistic diversity

-        The place of territorialized and sectorized actions in the construction of a public policy (from the access of French to the recognition of plurilingualism).

-        The role of territorial / partnership facilitator of the community on these issues

-        The challenge, via the involvement of the Conseil départemental in Urbact “Arrival Cities Network” project to elaborate a local action plan along with different stakeholders and actors in order to have a wider recognition of migrants Val-de-Marne
